Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Dude, you’re the one making a huge fuss over hair colours. Seriously, instead of making an opinion on the idea, you’re attacking everyone over what they are requesting.

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Only we know they are for diversity as Blizzard has stated as such.

BEs have no two visual themes we have added diversity to our regular human skin toned Elves. The implication came from what I quoted and you’re defending it? Yikes.

we have made our opinions known but they do no matter as void elf players keep demanding all blood elf options and some are demanding silvermoon as well.

They’re for diversity, absolutely.

But they can also be used in creative ways. Yes, I’m defending that. You’re being ridiculous.

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The leap from diversity options to outright you have wretched now, is a big one to make and someone made it. That was ridiculous.

Blood Elves still have only one visual theme as well.


Got ear lenghs, so you could chose to be a Half Elf.
Got blue/purple eyes, so could chose to be a High Elf returning to there home
Got Green/Golden eyes which are Sin’dorei.

Only a small miniroty, and I don’t agree with.

I have been simply been making post about using the assets we already have on the Alliance on the Void Elves.


It’s not a leap.

Void Elves have been given normal skin tones, but people are utlizing those to fulfill a massive demand for High Elves on the Alliance.

Were they actually given High Elf options? No. They were given expanded Void Elf options.

Just because Wretched aren’t particularly sought after doesn’t mean that it’s not something someone can do?

Blood Elves recieved new hairs, eye colors, ear lengths, necklaces, armbands, and bracelets.

Void Elves got pale skintones and eye colors.

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Which is a big thing for a non human skin toned race, you got the same diversity BEs just got only your theme was Void and not regular thalassian elf.

That the male characters can’t use, yes go on.

Yes, which is fantastic.

We still got no new hairs, no new hair colors, no jewelry, no new customizations to tie us to the void.

Blood Elves got plenty to tie them to their homeland.

Frankly I’m not sure what you’re asking for. Hair for Blood Elves? Sure. I mean, you did already get new ones.

Void colors? No. Void Elves are exiled from Silvermoon outright because their mere existence near the Sunwell, a font of Arcane and Light, destabilizes it.


And where exactly is this “theme” idea coming from?

I agree they should get them. Why does this mean Void Elves can’t have a few normal hair colors?


From blizzard it’s called the VOID elf theme.

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Yes i need white and blonde. Then racial options would be nice but not as big a deal.

You think jewelry ties them to their homeland?

Here is a comprehensive post encompassing what BE players want, it is in no way asking for all of those things but ideas from BE fans for a second visual theme as well as accessories people actually wanted.

Check a dictionary Sara it is in there.


Because apperantly, it is stealing from the Blood Elves, even if we request for the colours we have on the Alliance races too, since they have a fair bit of different shades of blonde, white, etc.

Last time I check, Blizzard called them an Elite Crack Squad.

No, answer the question instead of being extremely rude about it.


Something you know all too well?

No if that’s how you want to take it then that’s on you but I assure you I am simply being very to the point with you.


Yes, I do. Have you looked at the jewelry? There’s phoenix motifs, the colors are traditional and the mere fact that they got that sort of luxurious adornishment at all is a nod to the lifestyle and tastes of the Blood Elves.

I’m also all for more customization for every race, so long as it makes sense.

I don’t think we’ll ever get the old High Elven blue and silver themes though, since that seems specific to the Silver Covenant today.


Are you seriously going to be this toxic?

I asked a question, you can’t answer it, instead, all I am getting is this rude attitude and toxic behaviour.

I kind of hear where these people come from. Like void elf would just look same as blood elf with blonde hair. So just give them a race from alliance. Night elf or human model toggel. Blizzard does do thing in equal so i think this is only way.

They did get Nightborne.

Sadly, Nightborne have about 3 options.

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