Give us vampyr humans in the horde, blizz

I for one would be OK with this if they did it up enough. Or not, because I’m a sucker for the San’layn.

Give Horde San’layn and Allliance “High Elves” and now everyone is happy (except Blood Elves who would have two new groups to make them feel less special at night).

Alternately, San’Layn are just undead who specialize in blood magic and happen to be derived from elves. Any Death Knight can spec blood and be functionally equivalent to San’Layn in terms of powers.

They don’t need a lot to make them playable. I mean, Void Elves are playable despite only being made up of a small handful of exiled researchers initially.

Because they would look ecactly the same as humans?

And we don’t have anything like that in the game

We are actually Ditto. But shush its a trade secret

The fact you think he is in his wolf form all the time tells me you’ve never watched Twilight.

That’s right he’s either that or alpaca form

Roll a Forsaken Blood DK and all the blood you want, Forsaken are undead humans.

Yeah but when you bite people as a death knight you just get weird looks

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They could mana tap any target with mana with their racial ability.

You have access to vampire elves. The undead customizations for elves ala BFA have given you all you wish.

I still think it would be better to have vampyr humans in the horde, since if blizz gave blood elves to the alliance; why can’t the horde have vampyr humans like nathanos dracula style.

He plays Druid, which can shift into animals. Definitely Team Jacob.

the game does have the vampire counterpart ever since wrath, they were called the san’layn… and then in shadowlands the venthyr showed up as well.
well, we didn’t got either, on the other hand if it makes you feel any better, you can “kinda” be a san’layn by customizing elf with white skin and red eyes

I was really hoping the rumor that Venthyr would be a new allied race would be true, alas…

Who would ever be team can’t type the word or team beastiality? I never understood that?

I remain firm with my opinion of vampyr humans in the horde, since the blood elves gave the alliance and why not? Give the human vampyr horde.



Is it sunday already?? Did I sleep through saturday?!

Are we gatekeeping vampire fiction now?