Give Us Undead Gnomes!

Remember this?

Give plz! :smiley:

We got Undead Elves, now we need Undead Gnomes.


hey you might not know this but theres this class called death knight and the cool thing about them is that all the old races from before cata have deathknight exclusive undead skins, including gnomes. you already have undead gnomes.



But if you look at the color of that card, that’s a Warlock.

I want an Undead Gnome that isn’t bound in chains to a single class and a single eye color lol


They should give us proper mechagnomes.

Then let them be druids.


Sounds good to me.

Ill work on killing the gnomes, and im sure someone will get around the ressing them eventually.



Always thought it would have been awesome if they did undead variants of all the races as the Forsaken’s allied race.

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The Horde wants equal representation in punting Olympics I see

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Aint a Death Knight gnome that?
She looks like a Blood Death Knight gnome to me.

BDKs are vampires. Even now with the San’layn hero talents lol.

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Purple card = Warlock card.

DK cards are black with blue runes.

Plus after Shadowlands anyone can be a vampire, just join the Venthyr covenant.

Priests and Rogues got vampire themed glyphs from the Venthyr.

Obviously if you want to fight like Kain from Legacy of Kain, cutting people up and then drinking them, you gotta go Blood DK.

But if you just wanna be a vampire, there are plenty of options.

But… how would we eat them?

WoW is rated T for Teens lol