Give us Troll Heritage armor and revamped Troll models

currently Trolls are completely neglected, they need their heritage armor and also a complete revamp of their character model. They also need a model revamp and make them similar to Voljin. They are the most unique culture in WOW despite that blizzard seems to ignore them always.

Give us Troll heritage armor and also also revamp them to look like Voljin


I want trolls to have beards!


Human and Orc are next with 10.0.7 in Spring '23. I’d imagine trolls can’t be more than 2 years away from that.

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Hmm. Have we discussed whether Trolls can get costumes like the Mechagnomes?

Could be fun to have some of them become an avatar of one of the many loa-- much the same way Vol’jin is currently.

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