Give us the option to side with Tyrande

Oooooh, you’re just talking about getting Darkshore and Ashenvale back?

Maybe Blizzard will surprise me but since we’re supposed to all be bromigos now, I’d assume that they’ll just default those places back to the Night Elves. It would make no sense if the Horde held on to those places and the Night Elves/Alliance were just okay with it.

I mean most night elves are okay with it already by siding with the horde while they have absolutely nothing left, so wouldn’t surprise me if the horde keeps those lands.

Yes please! I’d savor the opportunity to be wrong in virtue of my own frailty once again.

Or, better yet, maybe we could even explore Tyrande’s distrust of a chronic war-monger as something not uncomplicatedly wrong. Maybe forgiveness isn’t actually the ultimate good in an uncertain world full of abusers and opaque motives.

Either way, 100% behind OP’s idea.


Lol siding with the horde imagine siding with a group of people who also want to kill the genocidal war chief that burned your home nah let’s just not kill each other and give Sylvanas what she wants

If the horde doesn’t free willingly leave the night elves’ lands, then I think they should be pushed out of it by the night elves.

The night elves don’t have to lose anything at this point, anyway.

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You got the option to side with Sylvanas because one of the writers is a hardcore Sylvanas/Forsaken fan.

Night elves don’t have such luck.


And you are assuming they don’t I am assuming they do you know why cause there’s only one patch left and then th xpac ends blizzard isn’t gonna do two faction war xpacs in a row

I mean, if you want to potentially lose even more to the Horde from trying to fight them in your weakened state, don’t be surprised if you guys end up losing more than you win.

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So? As of our latest knowledge, the land is controlled by the horde. As long as they don’t continue that part of the lore or say that it has changed over time, it is still horde territory.

You can assume (and I hope) that night elves will get it back in the future, but currently it’s not looking like it.

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At this rate, I feel a lot of NE fans would rather go down fighting than with a whimper. And I can’t say I blame them.


I never met someone this delusional and there’s Sylvanas fans who think Sylvanas loves them in this forum

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You are the only one delusional here.

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Fighting for what land that’s going to be given back anyways

you are assuming that it’s given back*


Alliance actively pursuing morally compromised goals? Perish the thought.

I pity the fool who thinks themselves beyond reproach.

You are assuming it’s not so either the next xpac is about villain nelves where we team up to kill nelves or we live in stormwind forever I rather go with what is more likely that we get our lands back and there’s no faction war for a while cause you know blizzard would never do two same themes xpacs back to back

I still don’t understand where you get the assumption that the horde would give the night elves their conquered land back. They also used up ressources to get that land, if they just give it back, it would’ve been a waste for them.

If they want to die, I guess that’s their choice.

All I’m saying is, it’s better to live to reclaim your territories later than it is to die failing to reclaim them now.

Chances are it isn’t going to happen this expansion, so they’re better off hoping for a world revamp to depict them gaining some ground.

Umm that’s like literally the point for ther story that war is a waste and pointless

rather going down fighting for your home than living with absolutely nothing.

And from a horde PoV, why would you give the night elves the land back that you have finally conquered after decades of fighting?