Give us p3 news

I’m hoping for a mid January release at this point, even if a beginning of February is looking more likely. These phases are lasting a bit too long blizzard. Phase 4 is gonna be a snoozefest.

Nope it’s not

Nerfs happening mid Dec.
Probably a BT/Hyjal PTR coming first week of December.
BT/Hyjal first/second week of Jan.

They should release 4 with 3.

There are 2 possibilities

Feb 1st p3 or Jan 18th p3

if the ptr happens same day as the nerf than feb 1st
if we get ptr early dec then jan 18th

TBC is an 18-month expansion but I’d imagine they’d shrink it down to 16.5 months to squeeze in wrath for dec 2022

Agreed. Even a vague timeline like ‘sometime in January’ would be sufficient.

That said, I REALLY hope they release a PTR with gamebreaking buffs like they did for Naxx so we dont get a repeat of SSC/TK being practiced on for over a month before release. I want content releases to feel at least a bit like actual content releases again.

When P3 releases, there’s going to be another jump in subs/numbers. They’re going to be smart about it - so it reflects well on quarterly earnings. If SoM does well, there’s no hurry for them.

Will not be that big of jump in Subs. New players will never stay long enough to get attuned at this point. Old players coming back will be so far behind that they will just quit again before ever entering MH/BT.

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nya nya nya i cant hear yooo

its time to go back

will be clear in 2 hours or less and our friend Zunedr*id will complain on why isnt Sunwell released yet

Blizzard is not going to hamstring themselves by releasing a timeline until they are sure of a release date. They have nothing to gain by doing so. A few anxiety-addled people will complain, but nobody’s going to quit because they don’t have a timeline. And if they set a timeline, and then feel the need to push it back, people will throw a fit.

Sigh. There is truth to this. I think the way TBC is designed, gated behind a ton of stuff, will just weed out more and more people. As much as i agree with gate keeping, the health of the game … well, it’s only going to get a lot worse.

More guilds will also die at an even quicker rate. Problem being from what i see, a lot of the “fillers” for 8/10 guilds that are struggling for people are alts from other guilds. Once P3 drops, those people will obviously stop playing in favor of their mains.

Wouldn’t be surprised if by mid Dec we saw it on PTR

P4/5 will be much better positioned to bring people back than P3 honestly. P3 is still in the “attunement era” of TBC and all of the headaches that go along with it. Later phases removing attunements and beefing up the badge vendors with worthwhile drops and infusing PvE and especially 5mans with catchup gear and targetable items will bring a lot more to the table.

Pretty much, once darkmoon cards/new badge gear is in the game I will definitely be trying to run more dungeons. But right now? Nothing really drives my interest in running anything.

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