Give us option to report people for "non topic" politics

It’s people talking about things happening in real life. If you don’t like it, ignore them or make your own chat channel with your friends so you can have your safe space away from reality. They’re not going to start banning people for talking about real life topics in game.

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You’re welcome to ask for that clarification in the Customer Support forum.
But you will not get what you seek. Trade chat moderation is the same on all servers. RCR and they will review the report. There is no special moderation of Trade chat for RP servers.

This is a separate issue from Trade chat.

Ban people for being social in a social centric game.

Just because you dont want to talk politics doesnt mean other people shouldn’t.


What does your educational degree even matter in a topic of kids learning things like politics? That kid prolly knows more then Karen thinks.


Sorry bucko but if trade chat is gonna be filled with things not trade related I shall discuss whatever topics I choose that are not against the ToS

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parents should have to take classes

But 16 and pregnant was a real show that really happened. So idk if they had uh education to teach. If we go further back in time of the caveman era they didnt have any education they just survived. So I mean what does education have to do with being a good parent?


Lesson 1: do not shake the baby

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If they are not being silenced that means there are not enough people besides yourself that care about it otherwise they would be silenced. Not sure why your 15 year old can’t see that unless they are cursing and being vulgar which is pushes it way more into inappropriate. Even then I can promise you they are hearing and probably saying a whole lot worse at school.

Thing is people have been saying inappropriate things in trade/general since, well, trade/general has been a thing.

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Lesson 2: feed the baby formula, then burp the baby

Or breast feed that’s how my 5 month old feeds me and my other half are thankful for that with all the formula issues the last few months.

She is a new year baby and when shes older I hope the world is better this first 5 months for her are just so insane every day.


Lesson 3: send the baby to college

Wait. Wrong step.

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Abort mission! Abort mission!

writes lengthy tirade about how college is probably a waste of time and you should send your kid to trade school


Lesson 4 : watch those videos teaching 4 month old how to float on water and say how crazy that is then never do it because you care about your baby.

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Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

There are special rules on role-playing servers that help our players maintain an immersive role-playing environment. If you see another player ignoring these rules, please report them.

Our role-playing policies exist alongside our standard in-game policies. Violating these policies may lead to penalties on your account.

follow the rules or else

Yeah at least give it some floaties. You have to give it some chance, after all.


This thread is about Trade chat.
What you quoted has nothing to do with Trade chat.
Trade chat has never been an in-character channel.

Or Blizzard could NOT set a limit to the number of people I put on my Ignore List. I used up ALL my list just on Gold/Dungeon spammers and that was only 5% of them!

It really is crazy but I’ll wait to teach my daughter how to swim. Maybe about 5 un sure she is my first so have to protect her.

Not that I wouldnt protect her if she was my 2nd.

Global Ignore List and Chat Spam Filter
DL the addon via Twitch

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