Give Us Murlocs As A Race

We have been waiting far too long for a murloc race. We need it now!!!

Murlocs actually can be civilized, since in Legion Class Hall for hunters there’s a fight going on between a murloc hunter-in-training and a panther/centaur thing, and the murloc can understand words but can’t speak. Just go Timewalking and look!

There are 2 ways I can tell Murlocs can fit into the game:

  1. Murlocs are an allied race, you have to do a recruitment questline to get them
  2. Murlocs are the big baddie of an expansion, and you can get transformed into them like Death Knights in WotLK somehow and then every player’s who’s not one of them is hostile (Horde & Alliance) and it’s like PvP

Please! People need this race. If we can get the wonky tauren models and the funny gnome models, why can’t we get murlocs? That would be cute! And wonderful!

Put your thoughts in the comments, please!

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As much fun as murloc is as a playable race

They have like a 2 year life span and don’t really do much besides go mgmglrmgl and build tiny villages

Kind of… But they spar and show intelligence, however little that intelligence may be. Some of them can understand words. They’ve made tools and built houses, and they’re very popular. They have clothes, use basic magic, light fire, catch fish… And they’ve colonized everywhere there’s water, except maybe Pandaria, the Dragon Isles, and a few other places. They show hate of something things and not others. So, to say they don’t do much besides go mgmglrmgl and build tiny villages isn’t necessarily correct. They have to be able to build something like rafts or even ships to travel the distance between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms and other continents, unless there’s a chain of islands that they can cross that nobody’s discovered yet. Even if they didn’t originate only in Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms it takes a lot to have survived all the invasions (Sundering, Burning Legion, Lich King, all the other stuff). How come we don’t see demon murlocs or death knight murlocs or undead murlocs wandering around everywhere?

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The Kobyss model is workable just not a good concept for the community. :robot::sweat_drops:

I’d rather have Jinyu.
A Jinyu Druid with Aquatic themed shapeshift forms would be awesome!