Give us 2 cosmetic equipment slots and a fishing pole slot

One cosmetic slot for back mogs and another for belt/waist mogs. Anything equipped will have their stats ignored.

Then we can have Warriors that can have a shield on their back or another 2h weapon on their back as they’re already wielding weapons… maybe go old school and put a range weapon on their back.

Hunters can go back to that classic look of having a quiver (also bring back all quivers as cosmetics) and weapons sheathed to their side as they shoot their bow.

Rogues can go full Naruto with giant ninja stars or scrolls on their backs

Casters… I don’t know… butterflies and rainbows or something. Some extra pouches on whatever belt they’re mogging, potions, alchemy flasks, etc.

And of course the Fishing pole slot so we don’t have to replace our weapons everytime we fish.


I would also wish for a separate slot for glasses and eyepatches. Or simply put those in the barbershop.


Does equipping a fancy fishing pole actually matter anymore?

It is fun? I would love to always run around in my adventurer outfit with a fishing pole and the ability to hide my other weapons.

But fishing poles do give bonuses, do they not?

I’d be happy for even just one cosmetic/toy slot that let us keep the appearance without the cooldowns. I like using my Blazing Wings to easily spot my character in visually crowded places, but hate that you have a 15 minute duration with a 30 minute cooldown. It’d be nice to have at least one slot dedicated to allowing you to keep an appearance until you turn it off or switch out the item.

Of course I’ve also been waiting for shadow priests’ shadowform to just become a visual toggle with the spec bonuses baked in so we can finally turn off the shadowform aura and actually see our transmogs properly. Still hasn’t happened. :frowning:


I think we get a fishing pole slot with the new professions. That’s at least how they made it sound when they talked about the rework.

i wouldnt mind a cosmetic slot or 2. would be nice if they updated cloaks so that they sat like how it does on the lich king. would be cool to have a little tome sitting on my belt as a pally. be even cooler if i could throw that for judgement. just beat someone with the pallys bible

Instead of a golden hammer it’s a dusty old book.

Also allow us to transmog the fishing pole. Underlight Angler is amazing for its abilities but I still prefer the look of the Mastercraft Kalu’ak Fishing Pole.

It can. The Underlight Angler allows water walking, becoming a fish (water breathing and swim speed increase,) the ability to teleport to a fishing node, and reduces enemy detection on top of the +21 fishing skill.

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I agree that fishing poles need to be able to be transmogged. Also a slot (or 2) for cosmetics. But for things like the blazing wings that are already a toy, need to have their cooldowns/durations at the very least made even. Ideally, it should go back to (in the case of Blazing Wings) 1 hour duration and 30 min cooldown. All of these things are only needed to be an appearance thing. For the fishing poles, the Underlight Angler is of course usable, so what harm is it to transmog it? What harm is it to have cosmetic toys cooldowns/durations able to allow them to be used always? There is none. It’s nonsense. This solidifies the “nerf fun” meme. I wish it didn’t, but it does. It’s only cosmetic, and it in no way affects gameplay other than making ppl happy with their look, and nothing for combat or anything. In no way is it breaking anything. I have no way for Blizz to listen. They either really really don’t care, or have a sick/stupid sense of humor lol.

We definitely need two slots for the head!

It does if you have this: “A Tiffany Cartier original!” :laughing: