Give the Horde a Defense Chief

As many of us know, within the United States the position of “Secretary of Defense” was originally named “Secretary of War” prior to 1947.

I feel that if we remame the position of Warchief to Defensechief then we could pave the way to restoring a central leader of the Horde without the Alliance raising alarm bells.

At the moment, the Alliance is unified and the Horde is fractured. We need a Defensechief to rise up before the Horde naturally dissolves just like the Warsaw Pact did.

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Why have a defense chief when you’ve got an army of murderhobos to deal with every threat? Just tell them there’s loot and they are on it.


Sounds a bit like Jim Jefferies’ Protection Rifles…

Horde just needs to not loose anymore leaders. To many have been lost. I just hope Sylvanas isnt lost and can make a glorious return.

I still think Vol’jin should be Warchief again when he returns and be the Horde’s god king.

“It makes you wonder if a Parliamentary system wouldn’t be better.”

I don’t think the Horde lacks a real Warchief just because the Alliance wants them in a peaceful posture. If they did, Defense Chief wouldn’t be any better, anyway, because it begs the question, “defense from what? Are we attacking you? No? Calm down.” I think the Horde is struggling with a crises of leadership in part because their history with Warchiefs has been awful; there aren’t a lot of success stories there, in fact most of the survivors of Garosh and Sylvanas would rather not go back to that any time soon.

Leadership has been diversifying in the Alliance too, as we’ve gotten to know the leaders of the various other races besides just the King of Stormwind, and I think that’s a good thing overall. Monarchies are all well and good, but the Horde isn’t well served by that leadership model. Perhaps what they need is a Great Chief, who unifies all the other chieftains and leaders in the Horde, like a War Chief but with less belligerent undertones.


Might be on the same stage with Turalyon considering Rezan’s followers follow the light. :robot::thought_balloon:

I’d be sad if they gave up all his shadow voodoo powers though.
I hope they make him like a Disc Priest

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Might be the new angle to the trolls as I think even Shirvallah is being pulled toward the light. :robot::thought_balloon:

I told you Horde you better watch it!

I’m sorry I’m stuck on your phrasing here. Why are they being “pulled”? Rezan and Shirvallah are Wild Gods who have righteous ideals (by Loa standards) and thus are attuned to the Light which they bless their worshippers with.
Just like An’she and Elune.
EDIT: Oh also Tyr and Chi-ji. Odyn qualifies too for the “God blessing followers with the Light.” but he’s in that weird spot of light users who call upon the light because they believe themselves righteous.

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I should’ve meant becoming paladin focused. They were already priests. :robot::sweat_drops:

Oh mimiron, I hope that doesn’t involve the paladins. That complicates the whole druid angle and Tyrande already has moonblasts (and a few other druid abilities). :robot::sweat_drops:

Hopefully it sticks to the highborne background. :crossed_fingers::robot:

[quote=“Breakcog, post:12, topic:1763729, username:Breakcog-proudmoore”]Oh mimiron, I hope that doesn’t involve the paladins.[/quote] Well I was referring to the priests. But I don’t understand why there can’t be Moon Paladins.

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Moonkin are the closest to paladins of the moon and guardians of elune’s holy grounds. :owl:


The problem was that we had co-equal Departments of War and Navy that were always at one another’s throats when it came to appropriations. The 1947 reorganization canned those two departments and subordinated them under the Department of Defense so as to make co-ordination less of a pain. It’s … more or less worked. You still have inter-service rivalry, but there’s machinery in place to handle it.