I’m going to need a quick rundown on that. Also ‘Robocat Fiasco’ would make an excellent band name.
The Pre-Siege of Orgrimmar .5 patch (I believe) set-up the stage for the raid. Horde players teamed up with Thrall and Vol’jin and liberated the Echo Isles and Razorhill in a satisfying, fist-pumping chain of quests fighting for the future of the Horde.
The Alliance… got to pilot a robot cat around parts of the Barrens.
In return y’all got to raid a horde city, I think that is good trade off.
Cleaning up the Horde’s mess for it, you mean.
Orgrimmar wasn’t even in a state of ruin for years (like Stormwind was after Cataclysm). It was pristine.
There was never going to be a satisfying conclusion to the faction-war conflict, but solving the Horde’s problems for it is as satisfying for Alliance players as having the Alliance constantly saving the Horde from itself is for Horde players.
At least Horde players got some decent Horde-themed transmog from the raid. I look forward to raiding an Alliance capital just for that.
I see.
I certainly can’t begrudge Blizz writers for being more interested in writing for the Horde. It’s more interesting. Just objectively speaking it’s far and away the most disparate faction in the genre so you have so many excuses for stories.
Hell I’ve been playing for all of two days and already rolled another Forsaken.
What if he got his throat ripped out, right? So he’s got this weird Goblin / Scourge / Legion tech voicebox that makes him sound like a 1940s radio broadcaster?
They’re so fun to write for.
The trouble is the Alliance does have extremely interesting and unique concepts like the Draenei, Kaldorei, Rendorei, and Worgen.
But they never capitalize on that. It’s just more generic American Knights in their Playmobil castle playset armor running around fantasy forest #4321.
Orgrimmar looked awful ever since they revamp it for Garrosh’s horde, we still have metal spikes every where.
I did something like that with a Mechagnome. Kicked butt.
What makes one faction more or less interesting is subjective.
Speaking for myself, I rather enjoyed the political intrigue and infighting the Alliance had during the Third War. I think that the Alliance provides a very fertile field to tell those kinds of stories. I don’t need it to go full Game of Thrones, mind you, but what we had in WC3 with in-fighting between nations and factions within nations was plenty good on its own.
But, the writers just don’t like that sort of story and would rather explore the soul of the Orcs with repeat wars and genocide, apparently. That, I find boring.
They certainly don’t take much interest in the Orcs beyond the same story they’ve told since WC3.
But they’re not quite as narratively oppressive as the humans are. They’re typically just kinda there, playing the front man but never drowning out the rest of the Horde’s instruments.
This is how the Horde actually feels like. Some may get more spotlight but ultimately we’re all part of the same song.
And thus far my experience with the Worgen and Kaldorei have made me feel like a backup dancer, not a part of the band.
I do not know what soul exploreing are they doing for the orcs. They have made orcs unredeemable and the horde. As a life time horde player it is hard for me to even say the horde is good. There was no soul exploreing it was villian batting for the alliance, so they could be good and we could be bad. In the end there were like oh ya we can’t kill off a faction with half the player base. They couldn’t kill anymore characters, as we down like or 2 a race. They couldn’t give away a zone as already have less, it would either require a revamp or give horde another for questing. so what we got left was this.
Yet people like you say it was written for the horde, no it wasn’t. Horde has just been villian batter, it characters killed for for the story. They even shame the horde player for being part of the horde now.
Ah, Baal would probably point out how current writers desperately want to turn the narrative towards WC2. Don’t know how true that is, but I can agree that they really do like the “evil Horde” angle a little too much, even though they can’t even fully commit to it.
This implies the Alliance ever gained anything from these faction conflicts. Spoiler Warning: we didn’t. The Alliance has only ever been chipped at and worn down for the sake of the Horde. These stories were written for the Horde, to ask the questions that needed asking (in Cata/MoP). What we had in BFA was pure nonsense and entirely unnecessary.
But make no mistake. The story wasn’t written for the Alliance. If it was, it would be our characters getting the cinematics, our characters experiencing growth.
Alliance characters did, any character that was in the centimate from the horde side is dead or gone. Alliance is the only faction that got development & growth for its characters.
Yes, because Anduin grew and changed so much from mentioning how they were down to drafting farmers, and Thrall DIDN’T come out of his self-imposed exile to take responsibility and start being proactive in the Horde again.
That was sarcasm, by the way. The internet is a terrible place to convey it.
Does it even count as an exile if he has not missed a single expansion? Ever?
Thrall was in BC in Nagrand.
He shows up in Dalaran during Wrath.
He was green Jesus in Cata.
He came back to help out in MoP after he retired.
Then he met his AU parents in WoD.
He helped shaman get their Doomhammer in Legion.
So he could “return” in BfA to escort us into Shadowlands.
We cannot miss you Thrall if you never leave!!
Horde has been fielding farmers since legion, as per the good war.
Screw you and your awesome character concepts.
I cant get over an Orson Wells/Vincent Price/Axis Sally forsaken character.
At this point I’d write for Blizz for just the exposure.
Stop hurting my beautiful babies Blizz. The Forsaken have done nothing to deserve this…
Okay maybe a few things but I didn’t leave any witnesses, did you?
I may have left a few. What good is taking up the Blightcaller’s old job if you leave no one to tell of the new monster?
People are fond of claiming broken racials caused the faction imbalance, but I think it has far more to do with the Horde having a unique identity compared to the Alliance’s more generic themes. Then Blizz gave Horde the pretty elf race and it was all over.
Sad part is, they have some unique elements to work with, but just. . . don’t. Night Elves, space goats, worgen, dark iron dwarves? There is a lot of unconventional swimming in there that needs to be used.
okay fair
but at least horde hype wasn’t as difficult to salvage before legion