Give the Horde a break

I think that at this point it’s safe to say Anduin doesn’t actually care about the Alliance. Whenever it comes to the Horde, his own people’s interests are secondary concerns to him. When organizing the Gathering his chief worry was that his own people would be mean to the Forsaken, and not that the Forsaken might blight everyone present for the funsies and herd the survivors into their newest extermination camp

But I guess his bones told him it would be fine


Totally. I mean, hes the high king, but in Anduin’s perfect world, the Alliance doesnt exterminate the Horde, the factions just don’t exist.

Even his pre Lordaeron speech seemed so out of character for him, which is why I suggested maybe a speech writer.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought Baine loved the shadowlands? His epic journey from getting thrown away by the Jailer to getting dragged around by Jaina was amazing!


The war of thorns was written for the alliance view. It failed to deliver, but it sure as hell wasn’t written for the horde. It’s your basic generic fantasy war set up where the villain goes and commits an atrocity on the heroes, from which they bounce back and get their revenge, only ooops, devs forgot horde was a playable faction and that the Night Elves couldn’t just destroy them at the end.

But WoT horde story is full of us getting shamed by the game for what we’re doing, we’re not fighting the fierce night elf warriors (even though they’re the shopkeepers and kicking our butts the whole time) we instead get pitiable statements that basically just show us how wrong we are. The story made no sense, Sylvanas acted way out of character and the burning was just out of left field. Then we get to UC and hey look, conveniently there’s a perfect evacuation so the Alliance doesn’t need to worry about a drop of guilt if a civilian got harmed, and a horde player doesn’t have a scrap of an excuse that you’re doing anything other that fighting for the baddie for no good reason.

You handily beat our butts in UC. And basically everything after that.

The Alliance reacts to the Horde in all those stories as we’re written as your villains. Again, not saying it’s well done, but the Alliance keeps getting written basically as protagonist. We don’t hear about what all the nations in Middle Earth were doing in LotR on their own, we read about how they react to Mordor’s moves.

And speaking personally as a Tauren player since late vanilla. BFA has killed this game for me. It destroyed the story, and I don’t see how they’re going to fix that. SL hasn’t helped as it just seemed to double down on some of the problems I personally have with their lack of ability to write for the Kalimdor horde as anything but villains or Alliance tag alongs.


The Alliance doesn’t even need to exterminate the Horde it just needs to actually believe in its own convictions and righteousness for once.

Isn’t that supposed to be the Alliance’s thing? Courage born of conviction that they use to defend themselves at home and smite evil abroad?

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I am just so tired of all this. Tired of the developers, the writers and the community most of all.
Like did I really have to debate for over a dozen posts to establish the basic fact that Goblins (horde) got more than Worgen (alliance) in cataclysm?

Like really? I try to be understanding, I try to find common ground but no one seems to be interested. The goal here are snide comments and winning internet arguments here… no matter how disingenuous. Its all just so draining. I am tired of it all.


Because the writers stopped writing a world torn apart by war and started writing a black and white story about heroes and villains.

There was no place in MoP for Wrath’s Varian Wrynn. Garrosh was the clear Villain, and Varian needed to be the clear hero. Anduin the moral compass.

Blizz doesnt even know how to make that game anymore.


It’s not really a victory if we then just inexplicably give back what we had retaken


Nothing is ever an Alliance victory is it?

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Yeah… i disagree it was a victory. It was a trap. The Alliance lived to fight another day.

This specific thing is not, in fact, an Alliance victory on account of the fact that the Alliance reversed its own territorial gains after the fact for the sake of the Horde.

Granted, in this case you’re correct in that it wasn’t a defeat at the hands of the Horde so much as the Alliance’s leadership selling the Alliance out


That makes no sense. They won the battle but didn’t want to expend the man power to fortify a plagued hole in the ground.

Like Dazar’alor, where the Alliance did what it went in to do, and had the discipline to not overextend themselves into a fight they couldn’t win.

This feels like a couple of children crying because the sibling got 8 more cheerios than they did in their bowl of cereal. Except it’s not a bowl of cereal, it’s just a bowl full of diarrhea.


They had chased the Forsaken out of the zone and in fact out of the EK entirely. They had a garrison there throughout the war according to the War tables. The Battle of Stromgarde (which is genuinely an Alliance victory) was intended to support the Alliance’s hold on Tirisfal

And in the next patch the Forsaken are going to be back if they aren’t already. The Alliance was sold out by its leadership.

Is there anything other than an encrypted map to point to a change to Tirisfal glades?

Also the Battle of Dazar’alor comes off as something of a joke given that apparently the strategic objective of the battle, that being to destroy the Zandalari fleet and establish Alliance naval supremacy, didn’t even make it a single patch before a knife apparently sunk the entire Alliance navy

Then in the next patch when the war was concluded the Alliance was apparently like completely out of soldiers. They all just vanished offscreen to re-establish faction parity.


Then let them $%#% have it. Jesus christ.

These debates won’t take so long if when Horde players say “I hope next expansion more Horde characters take a more prominent role without a faction war”
certain alliance players say “gee we hope so too”

And when Alliance players ask for more “cinematics like BFA or content cover short comings like Worgen stuff”
certain horde players say “gee we hope so too”

Like is it necessary for this BS arguing? What is more childish just making a request or jumping on the request and then gate keeping it and trying to play as game lawyer of why or why not this or that counts. christ.


Exploring Eastern Kingdoms also says it’s back in the Forsaken’s hands.

Granted, you’re right in that maybe the Forsaken aren’t actually back and the encrypted map is misleading and if that’s the case and the Alliance actually still controls Tirisfal, I’ll happily eat crow.

But I’m not confident.

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See, you are Alliance, so you don’t really get Baine, or the series of events immediately preceeding this most infamous of Baine screenshots.

But right before that quote, the little blonde guy asked him a very important question. He said, “Baine, you just punched Field Marshal Afrasiabi and Watcher Danuser in the face. What was that for?”

Makes more sense now, huh?


Yeah, I just want them to tell a good story that players want to invest in. I don’t care if Alliance or Horde get the short end of the stick if it means a compelling experience for everyone. That everyone is so keen on reducing it to a faction parity zero sum game is stupid.