Give the Alliance High Elf Paladins!

And the Horde Ogre Paladins :joy:

Have them get their powers from Goblin :flashlight:


How about we give you Maghar Paladins someday? I assume we will deal with Yrel sooner or later.

vulpera paladin first!

How about we stay within the lore constraints?


I know it’s Sunday, but come on. :roll_eyes:

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Those constraints are waning everytime Blizz announces something.

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That doesn’t mean we should get rid of it all

I would say give blood elves drooods.

We should let all elves be dhs

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a void elf demon hunter would be sweet looking.

Paladins for all! Panda Paladins, Vulpera Paladins, Kul Tiran Paladins, Gnome Paladins! Paladins everywhere! The Void Is Coming, time to find the Light brothers and sisters!

The amount of paladins in this thread is too dang high!

Is…is that still a meme?

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Unfortunatly :roll_eyes:

Okay but since they are technically Velves (being they are Velf race despite what you’re RPing) they must be dark Paladins that get their power not from the light but the Void. Instead of shining and golden, they will have shadowy spells and maybe purple dk looking eyes! Boom! You have Velf Pallys. Works for me!

To take it further…the Velves found a dark Naa’ru that Alleria hasn’t nommed on yet so they draw power from it! Perfect!

Then they won’t be pallies. Have them play a DK :roll_eyes:

I would absolutely LOVE it if they let void elves be paladin now that we can look like high elves. Unfortunately I highly doubt they will so I’ll prolly finally break down and swap to horde lol.

hehe hey just having a little fun with it. Not like I expect them to do it either way. But you know…I mean…it worked for the Belves with a Naa’ru, why not a dark one for Velf Pallies to be Dark Paladins? I actually had a friend who RP’d either her pally or DK (think it was actually DK) as one. She put together a great mog for it as well.

Mag’har paladins would be pretty dope.

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This could easily be done by saying some of Y’rels zealots found their way to Azeroth.