Give some story parity

I wish this would happen. I wouldn’t be mad, I would celebrate. Those characters suck. Racial leaders rarely make for interesting narrative leads.

What you and the others here like you don’t seem to understand is that isn’t fixing the horde narrative.

Stop demanding crappy stuff just because you fail to understand anything

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We don’t want new characters. We want what the alliance got since MoP ended. For the sake of fairness.

No, we want new characters. New characters are good. New characters that aren’t tied down to this 20 year old carcass of a dead horse which has been beaten since the Bush administration.

Your old characters sucked. It’s good they died anyways.

No you actually don’t want that. Because we all know YOU want the total destruction and genocide of every alliance person via the Warcraft 2 horde because you have zero understanding how storytelling works

Blizzard will never use new characters they simply do’nt exist. The new characters are boring and on the Horde they only exist to agree to a peace dictates by the alliance leadership.

I am willing to lose Orgrimmar if we finally can get rid of the Sons of Lothar.

No the newer and side characters are some of the only decent things we have in this story. If you want any decent narrative in Warcraft you know where to find it? With less important characters who briefly take stage in questlines. The main characters all suck. You weep for the loss of these fossils of old Horde characters who never had much of a character to begin with. I’m glad they all died.

They share the same personality since they are a carbon copy and modeled after the morality of Anduin.

They all had the same personalities before Anduin was a main character.

I call them legends cuz that is what they are. The true blood line of true Orc heritage and not that filthy race traitor Thrall.

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No, they’re boring old nothings that sometimes served a narrative function and had no personality. They were tools, cartoon villains, monsters of the week. They were nobodies.

Spoken like a true alliance henchman. Like someone Thrall would approve of since they share the idea of keeping all Orcs in poverty and weak.

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Oh no it’s true of the Alliance too. All those old characters? Generic fantasy tropes that are toothless and have no originality to them. Bland, droll, generic heroes and mustache twirling villains that’s all they were.

Stormwind is rich and strong. Durotar is weak and poor. Blizzard created the obvious disadvantages for the red team on purpose. And twitter finally woke up to this and said its enough.

You jump from one argument to another because you have nothing to say. You’re a set of talking points with limited understanding. You have no ability to analyze this franchise from a meta perspective and take everything at face value. A sleight against the Horde is a sleight against you. Durotar being a harsh and brutal landscape which is difficult to thrive in is the exact reason why the Orcs are there. It fits their themes, fits their story from WC3. But you don’t care about that, you hate things like that. You hate the Horde.

I hate the writing of Blizzard. Those things are not god granted absolutes. They can be changed If the people in charge of it tried starting to be different.

Your view of how things should be is even worse than theirs.

Good things happening to the Orcs? Blasphemy!

No, that isn’t the essence of what you’re asking for. You want ever character to be boiled down to their race. You want factions to be at the forefront. You want this game to be even more childish than it already is.

I’m curious, what on earth is an “average human” that all these Horde characters supposedly act like?