Shamans were consistently toted as the best tanks of phase 1; both mechanically and in terms of fun level. They were also secretly very strong in PvP. They just sucked in the raid so a bunch of people assumed they were bad without bothering to look much more into them. Now that they are dominating the current raid, the cats out of the bag.
That being said, I’m sure pallies can be pretty fantastic in the right hands as well. At least in PvP.
Paladin is literally known as the new player starter wheelchair class. If you’re still maining paladin in WoW 20 years later while complaining about other classes it might be time to do some self reflection.
To be fair, any class who can’t remove magic effects is kind of screwed when they know as soon as they get flame shocked the impending lava burst following it is going to be at least a 1k crit. That’s difficult to counter especially for classes who can’t heal or negate some of the damage.
Since when shamans can wear plate, have invulnerability, immunity to movement impairing, physical invulerability, ability to self heal 100% with 1 button???
Look, this isn’t a political debate. Anyone who denies Shamans are rather overtuned with their damage is being purposefully obtuse and ignorant.
Paladins are powerful but they can only deal damage within melee range. Shamans can drop you as soon as you get in range. Are they as bad as Shadow Priests? No, but very close 2nd right now.
Yes but you bringing up Paladin is creating a strawman argument when no one is talking about Paladins. And since you play Horde, you’re clearly, in a politically biased way, trying to deflect from the topic and shift it to a red herring that has nothing to do with Shamans needing a nerf. Or I suppose in this case for the purpose of the OP’s post, get the flavor of the month because Blizzard is garbage at balancing.
And also, to note on this point, people can have different opinions, but this might surprise you but those opinions can be wrong. Whether if you feel a particular way about being called out on your silly means to derail the point is your problem, not mine.
Well it’s a discussion. Mind you I disagree with the topic. But you chiming in to undermine the issue (or the perk in relation to why OP wants Shaman) detracts from the topic.
And everyone on the forums cry. How else we suppose to convey issues. Lmao. I would say the purpose of a conversation is to at the very least convey to one another and, in some cases, try to convince people to understand the reason for said topic.
OP wants Shamans, and the reason why is that they are the FOTM atm. I disagree with it simply because Blizz can just fix it and people like OP won’t ask for the FOTM class, even if it’s a Horde one.
Paladins were beefy and very strong in Phase 1 and had adjustments to fix some of their advantages such as their mobility and the Avenging Shield daze bug. That’s how things get fixed, we talk about it.