Give Shadow a “Green Fire” Questline

I think a spec quest would be great. I would also be fine with Glyphs to change all my holy spells to shadow colors. I can pretend my levitate sparkles are the negative interaction with the light is lifting me up. The other spells are just too light based.

I also think shadow priest, affliction lock and maybe something like a void mage spec should be a new class. It could be a class that focuses on damaging and syphoning life to heal party members. No direct healing.

Thats how shadow used to be. Like in BC, i enjoyed that version of shadow, raid wide healing.

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What’s lovely is they gutted Vampiric Embrace, Nature’s Vigil, and Ancestral Guidance, and then went and made Augmentation on the other hand with massive shields and far more group mitigation/survival tools.

A total joke. The contribution Augmentation makes in total healing and shielding far outstrips anything else the DPS hybrids ever did.

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