Give pro flyers their own servers

TBF they did say this, or something very similar, but still doesn’t make it or the situation correct

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Again, quote please? I really doubt they literally said “it was the biggest mistake they ever made”.

I dont think we play the same game…
If thats your sole thought for what flying gives you no wonder you want it removed lol

I said similar, not exact, and they did say something similar, it was along the lines of regretting adding flight to the game blah blah, I dont remember where but i read it.
Same as GC regretting adding LFR
The difference is that LFR doesn’t affect the world forcing them to actually try and make content. (see my post above)

So you want to say this is a flight server but keep the “compromise” solution of flying v no flying. Sorry that will not work.

Give us flying off the bat once PF1 is done and im sold.

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Since there are many more players who love to fly than those who claim not to…

And, given that retail servers are empty:

Take one, make it no flying anywhere and offer free transfers to that server.

I’ll bet it will be full to overflowing. /s


Flight was such a big mistake they went all out and reworked the entire old world to accommodate flying so why do that to themselves when it was such a major blunder?


3 hallmark features of WoW:

  1. smooth combat
  2. player controlled flight
  3. seamless travel -continuous maps

Retail has already destroyed these:

  1. Clunk GCD feels more like a turn-based game. Wouldn’t be so bad if the mobs were also afflicted with GCD, but they aren’t. So combat is now cumbersome.

  2. Well, we all know what happened to player flight. . . or do we? Just wait till you see what they have in store for you next patch. If you were P.O.'d about a nofly zone being added as progression content in Legion just after you got your wings back. . .
    Well, it will suck to be you. Believe me, I sympathize.

  3. Portals, anyone? And now SL’s real estate will be on separate maps – and here’s you advocating map travel? :woman_facepalming:


I don’t think you actually read my post just pulled that out, I didn’t advocate it, I offered it as a solution they COULD have offered earlier.
But i play FFXIV I have no issues with map zones, and if you don’t think we don’t already have them you have never flown anyone else between maps one one mount, and had the other dismounted or phased out across borders.
Combat is no where near that bad you are over exaggerating a lot!
There is many many far more GCD based like afore mentioned FFXIV, wow is practically streamlined in comparison, although not sure what that had to do with my post.
If they screw it up further in SL then I will be gone, simple as that I am only here for my guild realistically.
Although I’d love to see your source or are you guessing?

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Map travel is not a solution.

FF14 is not WoW. It’s a great game, but the last thing I want is for WoW to emulate FF14 or borrow anything from it.

Don’t blame flight for people getting dismounted/phased across borders – blame that on very sloppy programming.

However, initiating map travel is not an appropriate solution to the problem because it tosses the baby out with the bathwater. And it doesn’t fix the problem, it just offers a workaround which, to repeat, is completely foreign (and should remain so) to World of Warcraft.

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Again you did not read my post…
And just as you dont like it I love it so I guess its like flying… some do some dont

Agreed, and I’m not saying you’re wrong! I just like my idea more. I loved this game most when players had lots of options.

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Sorry, I did miss this bit… my source for what? What is on the PTR?

Flying in SL?

Ion already said it was another Pathfinger expansion. Who knows how many parts or how long a delay it will be this time. Since WoD the list has been a pile-on and the delay from launch is farther and farther out.

This time the zones are disconnected, so went the reveal. So you can’t even fly seamlessly across the entire expansion.

NTM the air hazards they intend to install… worms with 11M HP that issue a stacking debuff (up to 11x) that slows your flier down to walking speed.

Now how that is anyone’s idea of fun, I just … don’t know. Maybe these guys used to pull the wings off flies…

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Ahh ok, well as we all know they dont want us to fly, they are just making it harder and harder, until I guess we all just give up

Yep I believe that is and has been the plan.

It will backfire, of course, but by then there won’t be anything they can do about it.

Blizzard may have to rely on revenue from legacy servers, but so far, they’ve even managed to screw up Vanilla/Classic. It’s playable, but just.

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You’ve been trying to convince us for what seems like a year that flight destroyed the game 13 years ago and it’s been worthless since.

If they started a no flying server, you’d be practically alone on it. Only those who play the game for the sole reason of bragging about how many inconveniences they will obediently put up with will be there. They will all be just like you, exactly what you deserve.

I don’t fly in straight lines from point A to point B. Do I get yet another server type?

Vanilla terrain was designed for ground travel. Wod, Legion, and BfA terrain is designed to impede us and slow us down getting from place to place until we give up and grind out pointless boring pathfinder.


Wrong, so very wrong.


Flying had nothing to do with it, it was the arrogance in their decision making, which still holds true to this day, to attribute it solely to flying just shows how shortsighted you are.

Sub numbers are dropping because their decisions on the game moving forward have been utter garbage, not because of some asinine feature that is flying. They refuse to take any feedback and just push forward with ideas that were horribly received. This has nothing to do with flying, its the arrogance of the industry as a whole thinking they know better when they clearly don’t.

The new generation of gaming managers that make these decisions are solely on the basis of incompetence and arrogance. Seeing how much they can milk their playerbase before the game crashes or doing the bare minimum. This is what happens when a greedy corporation gets its hand on anything, monetize it as much as possible while doing the bare minimum to keep customers happy.

Side note, Activision/Blizzard paid zero taxes during their record breaking profits.