Give pro flyers their own servers

You’ve been trying to convince us for what seems like a year that flight destroyed the game 13 years ago and it’s been worthless since.

If they started a no flying server, you’d be practically alone on it. Only those who play the game for the sole reason of bragging about how many inconveniences they will obediently put up with will be there. They will all be just like you, exactly what you deserve.

I don’t fly in straight lines from point A to point B. Do I get yet another server type?

Vanilla terrain was designed for ground travel. Wod, Legion, and BfA terrain is designed to impede us and slow us down getting from place to place until we give up and grind out pointless boring pathfinder.


Wrong, so very wrong.


Flying had nothing to do with it, it was the arrogance in their decision making, which still holds true to this day, to attribute it solely to flying just shows how shortsighted you are.

Sub numbers are dropping because their decisions on the game moving forward have been utter garbage, not because of some asinine feature that is flying. They refuse to take any feedback and just push forward with ideas that were horribly received. This has nothing to do with flying, its the arrogance of the industry as a whole thinking they know better when they clearly don’t.

The new generation of gaming managers that make these decisions are solely on the basis of incompetence and arrogance. Seeing how much they can milk their playerbase before the game crashes or doing the bare minimum. This is what happens when a greedy corporation gets its hand on anything, monetize it as much as possible while doing the bare minimum to keep customers happy.

Side note, Activision/Blizzard paid zero taxes during their record breaking profits.


Or you could just add danger to the air and call it a day.

You mean, call it a day for everybody who likes flying and play the game alone?

Just in case there was any doubt to the OP’s intentions.


And it’s this thread from this guy yet again. It’s the thread that never ends.

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Or you can just go play classic and accept retail is not meant for you guys .

If that means all seven people that hate flying are isolated to one dead realm, I’m all for it.


I must have missed the magical forest when I tried classic out.

To me all classic proven is how better a game retail is.


This topic is about flying so I focused on that topic. If you wanted to bring up everything else that had proven their arrogance then make another thread. Shows my short sightedness? Lol shows you’re lack of reading comprehension.

This would be the best thing ever EXCEPT for the part I I quoted. Pathfinder should be REMOVED ENTIRELY from a “flying” server; or at the very least be changed to grant flight in launch zones when P1 completed. If they announced this tomorrow I would immediately pre-order the epic version of Shadowlands. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But I sincerely doubt that Ion would give up his tantrum to improve the game and stop punishing the players. :rage: So I may see you in 9.2, or in FFXIV before then. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


If you are playing Classic, then stay there. Why should what anyone does on live servers effect you in any way?

Like, the arrogance of someone asking to change a game they are not even playing is ridiculous…


I have a better idea. No mounts at all and increases the cost of the Flights by 10, you know, get that -REAL- WoW experience.

I’m fine,with ground travel in classic. The game world is more open and less designed as a rats nest of possible retain with impassable borders that legion and bfa maps are.

Plus no WQ placed in far away places. Caves seem more intuitively placed as well.

Bfa and legion maps, and to an extent wod maps, are not fun to traverse on ground.

Blizzard has it all backwards imo.

No, it wouldn’t. If anything, it would make the spam worse since players would have something else to be outraged about and spam even more.

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Such blatant and obvious trolling. But fine, if you think all servers but one should be merged into a single super server network for all the flyers while you and the other ten people that still play retail and don’t want to fly have your own server, I’m ok with that.

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How about no? No one is forcing you to fly in retail.

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I just wonder how many that hate flying still use the skip buttons called flight plans, flight master whistle and hearth stones? If you really hate that “skip Button” you would never use any of those because think of all the content you are skipping over.


The only thing Classic has proven is that J. Allen Brack was right.