That isn’t what he said. I think you just got “gatekeeping” in your head and everything he said beyond that moment was processed as “gatekeeping”.
He took issue with your phrase that blankets are “lower play”, and he specifically attacked your phrasing. He didn’t attack your opinion that you’d prefer a kick over a blanket, though he disagreed with it.
Phrasing is important. It can shape how people view and respond to your opinions. In that instance, he attacked your phrasing.
So, disclaimer for a second. Though pvp can sometimes be scripted depending on comp, it’s unreasonable to generalize situations in pvp. Like saying “silence is supposed to be used for x” is risky to say, because the inherent nature of pvp is that much of it is improvisation.
So, that said, kill windows with shadow priest comps largely revolve around silence. Using it effectively and in tandem with your teammate is very important. If you “smooth-brain” your silence, you’re not going to land a kill.
There are much, much more circumstances in which it’s okay to use a kick than it’s okay to burn a silence. Silence has triple the cooldown, and is necessary for securing kills.
Silence also requires keeping track of dr’s, depending on the comp you’re playing.
I would 100% disagree with your notion that silence is smooth brain. Reality is, I’d argue that kick is smoother brain, if we want to stick to these extremely general, sweeping statements.
That’s fine, but a kick and a blanket really are apples and oranges. They suit different purposes. You preferring an interrupt in your toolkit is perfectly valid. But, having a blanket is one crucial thing that makes spriest synergy with other classes so strong. It extends the cc chain and prevents the healer from using instant casts that can save their team.
He never once said that. Re-read his comment.
Again, I think you perceived it that way, your eyes flashed red, and you rode that wave.
To use your verbiage, he “shut down” your phrasing, not your opinion.