Give Monk a 4th spec: Chi-ji

Just because the Monk playerbase is low that doesn’t mean people aren’t hardcore fans of certain niches. If anything, I believe in preserving the essence of some of the lesser played specializations because the players sticking to that spec have much more of an attachment to it. That’s not to say things shouldn’t change for the better, but outright removing an entire playstyle from the game seems like the wrong move to me.


There is a bitterness to your post Stepfista, an animosity, towards mistweavers and those advocating for choice and i’m not sure where it is stemming from.

I can understand how many like fistweaving and the melee aspect of healing as I too have a Fistweaving build in addition to Mistweaving on my Monk. However, your pessimism towards this thread, the players, and blizzard, in efforts to discussing changes that would give more choice and options to players with whichever playstyle they like is contemptuous.

and yet immediately following this you make an accusation of statements that are dishonest as they are fallacious in respect to those advocating for more player choice/options.

“insanely selfish” ??? That’s the pot calling the kettle black despite the fact the pot is blind and then continues on to create straw-man arguments of things we never “demanded” such as half a tree dedicated to mistweaving.

If we flip the script using your own words one could say it’s insanely selfish to demand monk be strictly melee and to be fistweaving only, but no one on our side of the debate is suggesting that singular and linear thinking as you are misrepresenting about us.

We are advocating for two specs to accommodate everyone to give more player choice in play-styles and follow the theme of the four celestial’s to fit four specs.

Well it’s a good thing you are not in charge then. It’s clear that you lean heavily on the melee oriented fistweaving side and no one is trying to take that away from people who like that.

you are trying to make this a debate on Mistweaving OR Fistweaving as the only choice when the reality is that were advocating for BOTH.


MW is one of those unique specs that actually have more than one viable option in allowing for both fistweaving or castweaving. It’s such a waste to split such a wonderful spec into two imho.

Also, it’s weird to me that people play in range. I play a lot of caster mw and I’m always meleeing when possible, that’s how the spec is designed. Now sure, they are enforcing the fact that you should be in melee in tww, but they aren’t killing off caster at all.

I can understand where you guys are coming from, but I know that both spec would take time to recover from that split. Actually, they both have strengths and weaknesses, and I feel like splitting them would just accentuate the issues. For example, fistweaver can be good for pvp in some cases but most of the time, you want to play caster style in pvp because it’s a lot more versatile.

While I’m sure blizz would eventually figure it out, how long will that take? 1 expansion? 2 expansions? more? I really enjoy the current mistweaver and tww mistweaver seems to be heading in a good direction building up from the current instead of breaking it apart.

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Thanks for having an understanding take. It’s fine to like melee Mistweaver(Fistweaving) more, that’s valid. I definitely do not want the spec ruined or left out to dry for ages either.

When I made this thread, I didn’t mean “BLIZZARD RIGHT NOW SPLIT THEM RIGHT NOW IN THE WAR WITHIN” and leave the 2 split specs for dead. I’d be happy if a split happened in 1, 2, or even 3 to 5 expansions, and if it never happens then so be it. That’s plenty of time to iron out kinks and other issues. Who knows what the game will be like by that point. It’s just fun to talk about things we’d like to see in the future.

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Yes, please blizzard!

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I think if it was up to blizzard they seem to want to go the fistweaver playstyle over cast weaving

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Well, we all know blizzard doesn’t make the best decisions

lol, reading that reminded me of the “you think you do but you don’t” comment.

I think it is safe to say that there have been times where the class designers, when there was dedicated ones, that were working with the community and players on what works and what doesn’t we ended up having class and specs that were very well received.

When we have had alpha and beta testing where the community feedback was that something was not working or there was an issue and it ended up getting pushed into live despite saying it should be changed, and having to deal with it for an ENTIRE expansion, it really cut deep for players making them feel like they are not being heard.

One of the best times, in an overall experience for classes across the board, was MoP where the general majority liked the dialogue and the feedback we were getting from development and it’s how we ended up getting the most class/specs being so well received for an expansion.

Right now across many of the specs we are hearing in the forums and player alpha/beta feedback that there are things that need to be addressed and instead blizz is doubling down on things that the player-base is bringing up as a concern that will have negative impact if allowed to continue on for another expansion.

As much as I know some other links want this, I do not.

I do not care for red so having an entire red spec would be useless for me.

I know this post is old, but Feral fundamentally was two different functions. Honestly, I think healing with doing damage is the coolest thing that exists in this game. Such a great concept. Shaman hasnt received much love, but as soon as they do I think anyone who misses “Mistweaving” should go try it out. Cause that fulfills a parallel fantasy, in my opinion. I think this is more of an issue because nothing fulfills a similar fantasy that is fun to play… yet.

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Imagine if they never split feral into two specs, and half the tree was dedicated to cat dps and half to bear tanking. If you wanted to play a bear tank you were just locked into half the tree, or every talent’s tooltip took up half the screen. These are both things we saw with the old feral spec pre-cata. Splitting them into two specs was aboslutely the right move so they could both be developed into something real.

I don’t think that 1. MW will ever split into two healing specs, and 2. it would be worth the development time. Bear druids have a niche and fantasy in the tank meta. They’re just big and take the slaps (now, they used to be dodge tanks lmao). MW just doesn’t I’m sorry. I don’t consider the soom playstyle to be good enough to warrant this treatment. Without a total revamp an entire spec based on soothing mist would be dogwater. Meanwhile fistweaving in all its forms has been super dynamic, fast paced, and interesting.


there should have been a 4th chi ji spec since mop idk why people are trolling so hard.


I’d try it.

I’m kind of tired of people making these posts on the monk and shaman forums …

“Chi ji spec!” (Which is a horrible name btw)
“earth warder”! Which is an ok name but they’re never going to implement either of these idea so why do we keep on making these threads?

At least come up with a name
That’s semi creative if you want someone to notice …

Because we want to see change. Screaming and throwing tantrums works for the elves so why shouldn’t we do it?

As for name, I vote for Cranedancer.


I’m not naming it Chi-Ji spec goober. I’m saying that would be the Celestial to theme the spec after. Go crazy with your own name for all I care. What a weird hill to die on.

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If ANYTHING there needs to be a Yu’Lon spec. Currently Chi-ji is what mistweaver spec is more focused on. So they could re-theme/name the current spec as something to do with Chi ji like “Cranefister” or something like that, and it would make sense. Then make a Yu’Lon spec that is ranged. Idk seems like Yu Lon would be better themed for a range heal/dps spec.

First off 4th specs don’t happen. Even for enhance shamans and a tank spec since vanilla :sob::rofl:

Secondly the suggested idea really doesn’t work :flushed: I could see some kind of mid ranged monk spec if it ignores the celestials and focuses on a ninja aesthetic? Throwing stars and traps maybe? Kinda having a mid range like dev and some melee abilities like survival hunter?

Super low priority I assure you. Maybe in 2040 when wow is running out of things lol…

The druids learned a new trick: Guardian/bear and Feral/kitty specs. you should check it out.

Worked well for the Druids. The truth is there is plenty to work with if it was split into Yu’lon and Chi-ji. Plenty of people have wanted and thought of ideas for expanding fistweaving and working with that syle of healing. And mistweaving, is pretty well built for healing at ranged with it’s toolkit.

All that would be needed is to flesh them out a little like what was done with Druid Guardian/bear and Feral/cat spells and talents.


This was a thing since vanilla though. They didn’t really introduce a 4th spec, it just always existed, I’d poorly.

Again look at poor enhance shamans. Tanky talents existed and instead of making a 4th spec they did away with it entirely. 4th spec for monk ain’t coming until 2040 I’m telling ya lol… Not saying I’m against it, just it’s not happening.

Ehhhhh… Maybe to some… I don’t see it personally. Might be a matter of opinion that one.