Give Mechagnome the Gnome hairstyles and vice versa

It’s not how the community feels though most of it has pushed that it shouldn’t have been another gnome.

Most of the community doesn’t actually feel this way. Its just that you have lobbying groups such as the Sethrak community who have been actively pushing for races different races who saw mechagnomes as an obstacle to getting what they want. So these people were continuously pushing the narrative that mechagnomes were a mistake. I think the real mistake was getting vulpera instead of gilgoblins. As gilgoblins would have fit nicely into the existing patter of allied races.

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Doesnt make sense though, those are the original Mechagnomes, made by Mimiron.

These Mechagnomes are ones that modified their own bodies after being turned fleshy.

They should just fuse them imo.

Yes please…

I’d rather be a Mechagnome made by Mimiron

That’s how some feel. Not all…

Mechagnomes as they are are a lot better than just drones…

They don’t have individuality as a whole.

I do think blizzard should up the level of mechanization available though. At the very least to allow RP for those who want that.

Bad suggestions for you perhaps.

Aside from vulpera (who really should be Horde) I would love to see all of those on the Alliance.

I’ve long wanted the races that have already joined to be made into AR’s and I’m particularly fond of a neutral Sethrak AR.

So add Frostborn, Wildhammer, high elves, Jinyu and Ankoan for me. Lol

Horde side of course, I’d still want to see Revantusk, Stonemaul, Taunka, Hozen and Kelfin.

And Saurok… For reasons.