Give me your best pitch for an Allied Race


A group of Elwynn Forest Murlocs decides they want to join the alliance. They surrendered there aggression towards humans to work out a peace treaty.


Under Water breath- Can breath underwater.
Swim Speed- 10% faster swimming speed.

Classes- Warrior, Shaman, Mage, Priest, Death Knight, Rogue.

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bonus: wins all arathi basin matches. :smiley:

All versions of Orcs, Trolls, Dwarves, Elves, Tauren, and Draenei that aren’t already playable.

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  • Race has females and males
  • Racial mount = Saurolisk
  • Racial Classes = Warriors, Healers, Rogue, Shaman already exist
  • Many different groups of Troggs
  • Haven’t seen it requested before = unique choice
  • Capable of speech, leadership, employment = smart enough
  • Toy exists that allows you to play as a Trogg = easier to implement as AR
  • Could be the ‘Dwarves’ of Horde side(Feegly the Exiled)
  • Models are capable of wearing armor/clothing
  • Haters of popular suggested ‘new Playable Races’ will be satisfied
  • ‘Ugly’ race to combat all the attractive races in game currently
  • Two legged race, no trouble like playable Naga would have
  • Short race, no trouble like playable Ogre/Vrykul would have
  • Has the letters ‘gg’ in name = Good Game
  • I like them

Only if they are drunk all of the time and mind my pond.

After the troll move of giving Vulpera to the Horde and Diapergnomes for Alliance, we deserve the same: give Sethrak for the Alliance and Gilblins to Horde.

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K’thir Holy priests.

Naga paladins.


NIGHT ELF WORGEN are literally a perfect specimen for an Allied Race.

Just going to drop this here:

Also actual High Elves, Vrykul, San’layn, and Saberon.

Surprised no one’s mentioned taunka. They did officially join the Horde back in Wrath after all.


I’ve got two for each faction.

Possible Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Priest, Shaman, Demon Hunter, Death Knight and Warlock
Explanation: Murlocs are THE most recognizable race in the Warcraft universe. Its honestly baffling how they aren’t playable already. While aesthetically, they fit in better with the Horde, they would fit better with the Alliance lore-wise due to the fact that there already IS a Murloc NPC on the alliance.

Possible Classes: Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death Knight and Druid
Explanation: This one is pretty much self explanatory. All humans descended from the Vrykul so naturally, they’d be part of the Alliance. The only reason we don’t have Ogres is because they’d be too big to fit through doors. However, the Vrykul canonically have runic magic at their disposal which also canonically can shrink things. Because of this, it is the only giant race we can have without any of the issues that would come from being giant. Just compress them to a smaller size when they go indoors as one of their racials and boom, problem solved and its still lore friendly. So since this is the only giant race we could possibly have… let’s… have it.

Possible Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Druid, Mage, Rogue, Hunter and Monk
Explanation: Barely anything is known about he Sporelings. In fact, most casuals don’t even know they exist. Which makes them perfect to add as a new race because they’re an established people already in the lore while being able to feel “brand new” to a lot of people. Also, they have a capital city. I originally thought they’d fit in better with the Alliance since they would compliment the Draenei aesthetic quite nicely but they DO have a tribal and primitive aesthetic that would also work jsut as well if not better for the Horde.

Possible Classes: Warlock, Rogue, Mage, Death Knight, Demon Hunter and Druid
Explanation: Okay hear me out. I know tons of people who would like to play as a demon and Dreadlords are the most “civilized” type of demon so if any of them would be playable, it’d be them. Horde because Alliance don’t even like having Warlocks, Death Knights or Demon Hunters in their ranks. I’m pretty sure literal demons would be crossing the line. And hey, Orcs already have demon blood in them so… Its not like that ever stopped them before.

And as a bonus for if they would ever add any more neutral races to the game like the Pandaren, I’ve prepared two for that too. (And let’s be honest, none of us would be surprised if they just removed factions entirely next expansion anyway):

Playable Classes: Rogue, Hunter, Priest, Druid, Shaman, Monk and Mage
Explanation: Life is a curse. Simply… cawful.

Possible Classes: Paladin, Hunter, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Druid and Warlock
Explanation: Because we have no actual cute race. Everything else that is meant to be a cute race (Gnomes, Goblins, Pandaren and Vulpera) are actually kind of horrifying. But these guys are ACTUALLY adorable

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Blue monkeys for the alliance.
Red Monkeys for the horde.

Vulpera are fantastic, lady. That’s not a troll move.

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I think you missed her point.

Ah the alliance spirit of asking for crappy races is alive and well I see.

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Jinyu are just blue monkeys with scales and fins.

Ethereals. Always wanted them since their introduction in BC. The way they move in that dungeon I forget the name of, how they leave afterimages as they run. So cool! And who doesn’t want to play a mummy? At the very least they could make undead or something, more, mummyish. Idk. I don’t pitch things. So here’s my bad pitch.


Tortollans are the first race of humanoids in the game that I have genuinely thought – these guys have incredible potential to be a playable race.

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*actual Nightborne (with partial withered toggle)

*Broken Draenei (with sharp teeth customization like Akama)
*Sethrak (as much as I want them for Horde, I think they would bolster Alliance)
*skinny toggle for Kul Tirans (with wicker construct druid forms)

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Alright, if I had carte blanche to add one Alliance race, one Horde race, and then balance them both out with a Neutral race that could choose to go with either main Factions…My first round picks would be-

Round 1 picks - Old Allies Theme

Faction: Alliance
Race: Wildhammer Dwarves
Classes: Warrior, Death Knight, Shaman, Hunter, Druid, Rogues, & Monks.

  • The reason for this pick is primarily to do with the fact that Wildhammer Dwarves have been regular allies to the Alliance even before the Draenei came to Azeroth, before Gilneas rejoined the Alliance, and so on. Adding them to the Alliance would give the Faction a bit more of that rugged, hardy People that largely seem pretty rare in a faction predominantly made up of more Technologically Advanced, Civilized races.

Faction: Horde
Race: Stonemaul Ogres
Classes: Warrior, Death Knight, Shaman, Hunter, Warlock, Priest, & Mage.

  • Much like the Wildhammers with the Alliance, the Stonemaul Ogres are old allies of the Horde, and have been helping up till at least Mists of Pandaria. Extremely popular request by the Community, the Ogres practically scream Horde just looking at them. They’re big (height wise), strong, savage, and definitely down with the thickness. While there are plenty of races that would fit within the Horde, the Ogres, all jokes aside, fit like a specially tailored glove to the hand of the Horde.

Faction: Neutral
Race: High Elves
Classes: Warrior, Death Knight, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Monk, Demon Hunter, Priest, & Mage.

  • While the High Elves are predominantly more Friendly towards the Alliance, there is no mistaking their kinship to the Sin’Dorei. So their story would basically be about a People going down different paths in life, some choosing to honor old alliances by joining the Alliance, and others choosing to reconnect with their Homeland & kin with the Blood Elves and ultimately serving the Horde in the end as the last lodges, enclaves, & such are closing up around the world. But, this is generally the approach I would have taken had I the authority to make it happen.

Round 2 Picks - Twisted & Broken Theme

Faction: Alliance
Race: Broken Ones
Classes: Warrior, Death Knight, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Monk, Warlock, Priest, & Mage.

  • The reason for this pick is mainly to give the Alliance a some what darker race in theme with equal, if not greater tragedy to it’s past compared to the other races of the Alliances. Plus having a more shadowy race in the Alliance would be good for the faction when it comes to getting some grime on them, as I don’t see the Broken Ones being particularly friendly or civil with their enemies sort of speak.

Faction: Horde
Race: Mok’Nathal
Classes: Warrior, Death Knight, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, & Druid(?)

  • Much like the Broken Ones, the Mok’Nathal have their own rather rough past, choosing to stay isolated unless their village was in danger. They’re bitter enemies of all Draenei, which would not only give the Horde an ally that is very eager to fight when their own are threaten, it would also give them an ally that would probably be very eager to tackle one of the Alliance’s stronger core races head on.

Faction: Neutral
Race: Ethereals
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Monk, Priest, & Mage.

  • The reason for this pick is very simple; if any Race in the Warcraft universe could fit the role of a Neutral race for players to choose to either go Alliance or Horde, the Ethereals fit that bill perfectly and they’re a popular request. Plus they have a rather unique characteristic that easily makes them standout from everyone else.

And with the hour growing late, I think I will leave this post here for now. I have more to suggest, though primarily after rest, and taking care of important stuff in the day.


Yeah, the diapergnomes were the troll move. Now they ought to give the Horde a joke race and a real one for us!

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NONE…thinking about being a traitor…Ugg…

What do you mean?