Give me ridiculous hunter pet names

Pigs/boars: McRib, Hamdingers, Baconator
Snake: Noperope, RedVines (for a red snake), Whitesnake (for a white snake, ofc)
Crab: OldBay, MarylandSux
Gorilla/Monkey: Bananarama
Any: IsThisReal, WhatsUp, HeyBuddy, YouOkay, LaterTater, ExcuseMe, PardonMe, FreeHugs, HighFive, JazzHands, Peekaboo

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JuicyJanice always got a reaction in lfr

edit: using chinese characters can intimidate some folks too, in arena anyway

A really long time ago there was a hunter named Iscoop and his pet was named Ipoop.

Might not be stupid enough though, it’s actually kind of clever.

Corn dog

/Waggle- Waggle

I wanted to name my crab iPinch, but had to settle for for Ipinch. I named my lizard Jesus, and my lion Lolcat. If there still isn’t a pug available I’ll settle for a mastiff and name it Wrinkledneckskin. Okay, first I’ll name it Wrinkleforeskin, but inevitably I’ll have to change it.

The one I’m most proud of is a duck named Gwapes.


yournamehere seems like a fun one.

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I’ve a pair named “Gotany” and “Lemonade” for the same reason.

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Clearly. The person I was responding to obviously has additional information since they said they had named it something racist twice. I was hoping for more information on that.

Dubstep and Trance - my Clefthoof pets.