Give me ridiculous hunter pet names

I tamed a Clefthoof then I tamed another and named it Crighthoof.


I like the way you think.

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Tame a seagull and call it “Gimmechips”.

My other favorite is “Imwithstupid”. :sunglasses:

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I’ve got a direhorn with the name “trihard”…

You know, three horns, tri… yeah. Stupid name.

I once had a pet unicorn named “Yourface,” because it made me giggle in combat text when it said “Yourface hit for X amount of damage…”

I have others that come in pairs with names that make me giggle but only people I know get to know what they are!

All Hunter pets are “Fluffy” even the snakes.

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Tommysalamiz :cloud_with_rain:

Sounds more like a tauren name, honestly. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Gorilla” for a gorilla. A guy got banned for that one.

I wish I was joking.

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Hemorrhoids because they are a pain in the butt

my hunter has a faerie dragon named Brightwing and a duck named Darkwing.

also has a devilsaur named Cuddlemuffin.

Willis Wrecking Ball


Sirmeowsalot (Sir meows a lot)






(I could go on for a long time but to prevent the world that I shall not)

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Rabies for a hyena. I only have a couple of pets named and it’s stupid things like Barney for my T-Rex and Charlotte for my spider.

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Pug named Cujo

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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My Gnome Hunter has one of those really small frogs named Archimedes.

That the name of the one Dog Horror Film?

Edit: I knew it. Adorable pug, with a creepy backstory.

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Elliott’s Kazoo

I have a feeling that screenshot was from After the offensively named pet was renamed back to default “Gorilla”

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…did he appeal that? I sure hope he did…

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Name your pet Whoops so when you do … Hunter things… you can blame your pet since it’s taking responsibility.

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