I had them before these knock-off windwalkers came along and chaos striked their way into our game. There is no basis to give them exclusivity, rogues and warriors should be able to transmog them as a bare minimum.
As a rogue, I’m fine with the restriction.
Gotta agree warriors and rouge not being able to xmog them is kinda BS.
As a Demon Hunter, i’m not fine with the restriction. I think everyone should be able to use the Warglaives.
I don’t see why not. If DH can mog out of them, logic would suggest that the weapons are similar enough that others can mog into them.
I think most of them are really ugly though.
I didn’t want a DH because of how ugly I thought they were.
Fairly recently I saw a DH go by who had swords. I was like oh yes, yes absolutely! And I finally made my DH. I minimised the demon-hunter looking customisations though. I basically just have a regular elf with fel eyes.
do you still need the bt achieve to mog them or has that been lifted with the patch?
Can hunters use the glaives?
Only demon hunters, nobody else. They cited a timewalking scenario and said 'they didn’t want to take away from the unique scenario." Which is stupid because rogues and warriors did that ‘unique scenario’ first roughly twelve years ago.
Unique scenario.
pick one.
Dunno why so much drama over warglaives. Everyone knows DH is an edgy meme class, and that warglaives are not functional weapons.
They look cool, are iconic and are practical in WoW.
IRL? Sure, it’s about as effective as the magic you sling. So what?
I understand. Just abusing Sunday’s allowance for indelicate posting. Alas, I don’t think Blizzard will cave in. Based on my perception of DHs since they came out, they are the favorite baby child of Blizzard, at the center of the podium, with rogues and mages by its side.
I don’t know about mages, have you seen what they did to arcane?
I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.
Keep complaining you aren’t getting the glaives.
Arcane has always been one-button gameplay. If the problem is DPS, I blame it on Blizz being terrible with numbers.
Surely you jest. Human priest in warglaives bad
As a rogue with warglaives who has 2 other rogues who also have both warglaives, a druid who tanked the raid to unlock the mog, and a demon hunter who has done no part of the achievement and never leaves her class hall, yet uses the mog, I do not support the restrictions.
Not really, not for awhile. Funnily enough, BFA made arcane into what people who are clueless about arcane thought it was.
When it is not about barrage or missile procs, it is always about how to maximize arcane blast/arcane missiles damage. Aluneth was a nice addition, but fundamentally arcane’s core rotation has always been a bit bland IMO.
Legion arcane pvp was fun to me, though, can’t say exactly why.
Of course not. That would be like devs admitting that they made a mistake gutting other classes’ iconic abilities and items in order to construct a new class.
That’s all you needed, really.