I’d like to introduce you to “Weird and Pointless Complaint.”
I understand your point… but there’s basically zero chance of you getting what you’re asking for.
The only thing stranger than this request, is that anyone at all gave it a thumbs up. Let alone 14+.
This is one of those “everything about this is a positive” … and yet not only are you complaining… 14 people AGREED with you. lol
Now if only they made the " Flight Master’s Whistle" a toy and made it work in all zones too.
Odd thing to complain about. Just add the toy to a tool bar and save yourself a couple of bag slots.
“Noeee!! I only want it to work in a specific zone, because it makes that zone feel SPECIAL!!”
–some luddite somewhere
Just go next then. I’ll be sure to call your next request odd
Irony is dead and buried…
Truly astounded how literally every change, no matter how benign or positive, will have detractors.
Maybe let people choose if they want to have the bag ones AND the toy ones like the regular Hearthstone?
It’s weird how people are so resistant to letting other people have choice, even when it takes nothing from them.
People naturally hate change. Even if there is a little change, it’s always going to upset someone
I learned these as toys on an alt character and have kept them in my bags on other toons. I don’t know why, I just like seeing all my different porting objects lined up.
This isn’t Burger King… people can’t always have it their way. There doesn’t need to be a revert option for every single change made.
Mine are still there. Plus I have the toys. Die something change?
to change…
But those that are still in your bags aren’t usable as actual hearthstones, right?
Just checking, because I missed this change (been playing a different game for a few months), and I’m kinda sad about it too. Admittedly, I don’t do well with change, but this just feels like it’s taking away some of the… hmmm… immersive “reality” of the WoW universe (for lack of a better way to describe it).
The ones in your bags won’t work once they become toys. They are then useless better just to delete them once you have the toys.
ooh thats a good idea, Im currently not using mine at all.
oh cool. I didnt realize some were toys now.
Lord I need to learn to pay attention lol
yeah…said something about having it in my toys.
cool deal blizzard. nice change