I have a proposal. A small change to warlocks in hardcore that I think would maybe make the game better while not changing things too drastically.
Proposal is this: Make it so locks’ fear makes the mob feared either stationary (too OP but also boring) or maybe instead run around random directions within 10-15yds of the original spot the mob was feared, which would also keep the spirit of the original spell but just make it less dangerous.
We lose soulstone in hardcore, which feels like a big chunk of our power budget. Why would anyone ever bring a lock to a group over a mage? Fear is an incredibly dangerous spell and I’m just arguing to make it slightly less so, that way we’d have somewhat dependable CC instead of the very occasional banish in raid. Obviously we have summons, which are good on the front end of a group but if everyone is decent, can be made redundant. Healthstones can be good to give out but how often does a group remember to use them?
I don’t know maybe it would be too OP, I just don’t see the appeal of being a lock over a mage in a 5man group, and would like it if my CC didn’t make everyone’s butts tighten up.