Give it up for Thrall

Thrall (birthname Go’el), son of Durotan and Draka, the former Warchief of the restored shamanistic Horde, founder of the nation of Durotar in Kalimdor and one of the second wave of shaman.[14] His parents killed by Gul’dan’s assassins shortly after his birth in the beginning of the First War, he was found and raised by Aedelas Blackmoore who gave Thrall his name. Raised as a slave and gladiator, he later joined Orgrim Doomhammer in freeing the orcs imprisoned after the Second War, being named Warchief after Doomhammer’s death. After leading the Horde away from the Alliance-claimed Eastern Kingdoms, he rescued and made allies of the Darkspear trolls and Bloodhoof tauren. Thrall led the new Horde against their former demonic masters in the Battle of Mount Hyjal. He subsequently led diplomatic efforts at peace between the Horde and Alliance after the end of the Third War, as well as accepted new members to the Horde, like the Forsaken of the Undercity and the blood elves of Quel’Thalas.

After the fall of the Lich King and the increasing elemental unrest heralding the Cataclysm, Thrall stepped down as leader of the Horde, appointed Garrosh Hellscream as Warchief.

Yeah, Thrall was the man…er, orc. Did a lot of good but knew when it was time to step down and pass the torch to younger leaders. This is the type of leader we need now.

I didn’t see Thrall killing heroic Lich king.

My raid did, where was your hero?

Yeah, we can pick over Thrall’s long career, things he did, things he didn’t do, mistakes he’s made. He did a lot of good but he wasn’t perfect. The important point is he didn’t stick around past his prime. He knew when it was time to go and passed on the torch to younger generations. I’m sure we can all point to leaders who couldn’t let go of power and hung on long past their prime to the detriment of us all.

Oh this was a Biden angle.

Fixed it for accuracy.

You need better material.

My guild isnt a gdkp.


You need better dps :skull:

Once again cherry picking a fight i died on lmfao.

Shouldnt you be wiping 60 more times trying to do heroics i did weeks ago?


How do you do 10k dps as one of the easiest classes to play :skull:

Literally all a mage has to do is hit one button repeatedly and you couldnt even do that LMFAO

How can a raid team wipe 40 times to heroic Chimeron, all you have to do is spread then stack and you couldnt even do that LMFAO.


since you guys started dating this forum RP got really weird

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You hang up first.

No, you hang up first.

No, you.

Did you try wanding? Is that how you finally got over 10k dps?


Are you in the guild on Whitemane?

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