Look I get wanting to speed run dungeons in lfd but alot of healers can’t keep up with a tank and dps who pull the entire dungeon to the boss and run around the area like crazy people. Spells have a set range and most require you to stop moving to cast. All I’m saying is have a little respect for your healers who are trying. Just because your group wipes does not mean it’s the healers fault.
I’m saying this because I recently started healing on some of my alts, I will admit that I’m still getting the hang of it but I’d like to think I’m pretty reliable. That being said I can only be an effective healer if I’m actually given the chance to heal.
Please if you notice that people are dying in your lfd group maybe think about how the dungeon is being run and consider that the healer might just be having trouble actually casting heals and not purposefully letting you die.
I only bring this up because I’ve received some really rude comments after a player died because the tank and dps pulled to fast and I couldn’t heal them as quickly as they were taking damage.
Most healers dungeon talents prioritize instant casts and have methods for proc’ing or setting up instant cast spells. There are some specs like herald holy paladin and holy priest that have a little more hard casting they can do and it usually comes with a benefit to risk doing it but generally you want to do as little of it as possible. What spec and talents were you using?
I mostly use my preservation evoker or my restoration druid, both have good instant heals but my problem is its sometimes hard to stay close enough to people heal even with instant cast spells becuase of how much they run around or when the tank isn’t pulling enough agro on mobs and it falls back on me.
I understand using instant casts and aoe heals but that still requires the tank and dps to make it possible
What level of dungeon difficulty are you trying? Normal? Heroic? Timewalking? Mythic? Mythic+? The pres evoker tier set helps with your pres’s empowered spell cast time. I got my rdruid to like 2.6k and stopped playing it. This is really not a good season for healers without kicks or punishing kicks in m+.
If people are dying in normal or heroic though that’s prolly not your fault tbh.
When I first started to get into pvp one season my friend that was very good was sort of coaching or helping me. He told me something I repeat to other people “if you are low come to me, don’t run away” and then I add on “Most often, you are safest by your healer rather than anywhere else.” or just “If you are low come to me, you are safest by me.” It’s a rule of thumb but it’s right most of the time. If the team is just running through the content super fast just do a little healing and follow along.
On pres I store my stasis charges Temporal Anomoly → Dream breath → spirit bloom. You may or may not know that if you don’t store the 3rd charge you can hold stasis forever. So at the start of a dungeon or raid I might Stasis → Temportal anom → dream breath and then later when I need it I use the 1min cd to instant cast spirit bloom and spend the stasis charges for big healing.
Rdruid and Pres evoker are both HoT centric healers (pres less so but it does matter)
While rdruid wants to keep some Rejuvinates up, and renewals on proc or just when it’s another hot to put on a prio healing target. Depending talents rejuvinate and/or Regrowth are required to use our potent triage (single target) healing spell Swift mend. Baseline swiftmend will consume the HoT but i run a talent that makes it not do that and instead extent the duration of your hots on that target. It’s called Verdant infusion.
Most of Rdruids gameplay revolves around HoTting (heal over time) up targets that are about to take big damage and casting swift mend on them. If you go into your talent tree and and type “swift mend” into the search option you’ll see there’s talents that change how swift mend works and what it does. Rejuvination is instant cast but mana expensive like most of rdruids spells. When you click an allied player or their name plate or raid frame and cast Grove Guardians the guardian will spawn and cast a weaker swift mean on them. This is kind of like a lay of hands that paladins have if you you do it really fast. Trees (grove guardians) also aren’t on GCD meaning you can cast them as fast as you hit the button and they can be casted while in shapeshift form. After they cast swift mend on an applicable target they’ll just cast some weaker heals on the party.
I could talk about all the nuance of swift mend and rejuv/regrowth but you can play around with it and read the spec guide on wow head for a better outline than I can give ina forum post.
The other important part of rdruid is a specific HoT called Lifebloom and how it interacts with our Efflorescence. Lifebloom isn’t actually a HoT you want to spread around or keep high up time on. When lifebloom expires or is dispelled it instantly heals the target. It also counts as 3 stacks of mastery stat. The mastery stack works like “healing on a target is increaseed by x% per heal over time effect on them” so targets with lifebloom recieve more healing than those without generally.
If you type lifebloom into the search bar you’ll see a lot of talents in the spec tree light up and see how it interacts. With my build and assuming you have similar you have 2 charges of life bloom and when lifebloom blooms (expires) the target of it is healed instantly for a certain amount, and then people standing in efflo are healed an amount. The gameplay loop for lifebloom is to put it on 2 targets and let it expire and move efflo around as needed. I tend to put efflo where i expect people to be for a little while but since melee and tanks move a lot i might put it down with me and the ranged dps. I normally put one application of lifebloom on myself and one on the tank. Since efflo will follow the tank or me and ranged around.
With some of these concepts in mind (if you read all that and understood the gist of it) you can tell i don’t do very much hard casting. Most of the work is managing Lifebloom+Efflo, Rejuvination up time for mastery stacks and to prepare to swift mend or groveguardian (a) target(s). I use wild growth invariably with little preference for how its used except in preperation for group damage (the entire party takes damage,) but the timing of this is often close to when it’s going to happen, because wild growth’s healing starts off very high then declines in potency as it it wears off.
Rdruid and pres evo both have a 1min cd that makes one of their spells instant casts. For druid this spell is Nature’s Swiftness. It also makes the healing from rebirth and regrowth more effective by 100%. This makes regrowth a bigger single target heal and its HoT (heal over time) more effective and castable in all shapeshift forms. You can cast NS and hold it indefinitely. because it’s generally undesirable to hard cast regrowth a lot (mana expensive, requires standing still, etc.) (there are times when it’s the only thing you can do but it’s usually not a good situation, more like hail marry) and then when you need to heal someone but don’t have swiftmend or don’t want to use trees you can instant cast a powerful regrowth on them. I might do this and follow up with a swift mend so they get 2 big heals and then swift mend extends the duration of that strong regrowth’s HoT by 8 seconds.
I don’t know if I answered any of your questions tbh. Just sort of rambled ig.
Here is my rdruids current talent build for m+. Haven’t played it in months so can’t comment on optimization. Grove keeper is easier for cast healing than gg hero talents imo cause the blooms from hots are bigger healing but the skill ceiling for using wildstalker comes from catweaving which is an entirely different conversaiton (healer dps’ing)
Convoke the spirits is another big cd we have but it has rng elements using convoke in preperation for damage is often better than after damage, because it’s best use in human form is to put a lot of dots out very quickly. You can also drop heart of the wild from this and get a different talent. Can swap cyclone for sooth. Drop skull bash for feline swiftness or natural recovery or whatever.
Just follow the team with a life bloom on you and tank and put down efflo where they stop to fight and sunfire then wild growth and spread rejuv on people you would like to swift mend when they take damage. When the boss or enemy is about to do a big aoe damage spell target an ally an ally or yourself and start convoke the spirit to prepare hots for ramping mastery healing stacks and swiftmend/tree targets very quickly. Move your efflo around as needed (not too much unless there’s too much damage not to because it’s very mana expensive to move.) Natures swiftness + Regrowth on a target that needs a big heal followed by Swift mend on that target if they still need healing. Ironbark targets recieve 75% of the healing from your active rejuvinates.
Ok ok i gone too long
Yeah, as a healer I do not have this problem. You have to learn to adapt
There are ways, depending on spec, that you can mitigate this, but yes- tanks do often pull what they can survive, not what the group can survive. At this point, I just don’t bother with heroics anymore. If you want to practice healing, go for M0 or low M+ since most of the time the pulls aren’t as insane.
They should remove healers or make healers mascots again like Slands. Healers are so annoying.
Seems rather unkind.
Nah, healers play the own game, unrelated to dps or tank. We don’t even know what the heck they are doing until someone dies to unavoidable dmg. And the most annoying part blizzard forces us (shame on you blizzard for tuning tanks/dps to make healers more relevant) to team up with these mascots just to hear their whining.