Give feedback if you don’t have beta

Those who don’t have beta better voice your feedback via the PTR forums. Since the PTR is coming online as I type this.

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Every other class: Here’s a ton of changes. Multiple pages worth of them.

Shamans: “We changed healing stream totem lol”


in my experience they ignore 100% of feedback given in beta, so… meh. I’m uninclined to put any effort in.

Well yeah they’re not likely to do any tuning or move talents around, they’re more looking for game-breaking bugs.

You’re so wrong.

Well, if you believe the theory about how beta is a chance for players to redesign the expansion before it is released I can see where people might believe that.

My experience with beta, working from the release side, was different. When we put out a major release for beta we would get reports coming back in.

Say someone said “I ran the beta and I have to say the xyz feature needs rework. It needs to do feature abc instead of feature def”. Our reaction would be “Hey look, someone ran xyz and it didn’t crash the system. Ok put that one in the win column.”

careful there. they might just delete it they hear shamans got changes.

With how they treat Shamans I’m sure they’ll delete the 400% healing buff and leave the “decreases its healing beyond 5 targets” part.

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Other than testing the base class kit there really isn’t a ton of relevant feedback we can really give through the PTR.
And at this stage, they’re no longer looking to make changes to the base class kit.


i mean were they in the first place?

I thought you were just joking around the good ol’ Shaman gag.
But… there really is nothing but healing stream totem and a dev note that explains they’re only doing it because it’s a global goal lmao.


It’s cute that everyone thinks Rogues saw more updates XD I stand with my Shaman brothers still!

honestly i find it highly alarming theyre rushing tww. 2.5 month beta is somewhat short.

These devs are out of control for sure. I am still mad about Diplomacy.

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I played one beta long time ago

they dont care/dont listen

so I just gave up, its not worth to support it

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