Give druids a real rez

There isn’t one, but some people are rabidly no changes regardless of what it is.

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how now brown cow

Well while we are at it let’s require Druids to hard cast ALL of their heals and damage completely eliminating their ability to instant cast anything and additionally make cyclone and roots exclusively talents for balance deep down. Furthermore, let’s also make certain that bear charge and bash are deep feral only.

Additionally enraged regent is nerfed by 50% in addition to imp LotP, and bear form damage is nerfed by 70% but the threat modified to compensate.

But since we are at it make faerie fire require bear form, and cost 30 rage to use, stack 5x like sunder armor and additionally only lasts for 10 sec with new applications of FF refreshing the debuff.

I mean, you want res ok, but it’s time Druid has to also become a bit more balanced.

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Normally you post pretty tame stuff, but this comment is just insanity

Revive was added in Patch 3.02, so you’ll have to wait till Wrath for it.

I want bladestorm…


I really don’t see a need for it at this point even as a resto druid. With the tank paladins and the number of shammy, priest and ele DPS I haven’t ever even run into a problem with just having the battle rez. Plus dungeon run backs are usually really easy. I had way more problems in Classic. I don’t think the change is needed.


I just hope druids don’t get picked up in dungeons less often for some reason once the new LFG feature is out.

Druids have a combat res. That’s pretty amazing.

Also, if you’re having issues with needing to revive people in a 5 man, bring another class that can, like a paladin, shaman, or priest. And make sure that they don’t die.

With Horde getting paladins and Alliance getting shamans there are even more classes for you to bring to a dungeon with a res now than before. Druids survived all of classic with this same issue and were even less popular in raids with hots not stacking so you rarely brought multiple. Druids are fine.

I may or may not have counterspelled a critter yesterday so our restodruid could use their Brez on our tank.

When TBC Classic stops.

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It was actually supposed to be utterly ridiculous.

Would severely ruin my immersion.

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Or a paladin tank or a ret paladin.

This is exactly the kind of change that would ruin the game. When people worry about slippery slope; this is where it starts. Once they start down this road, people are going to have a never ending list of changes they want to spells, talents, bosses, and so on. They’re already treading the fence with the seal trade and changes to BGs. That needs to be where the line is drawn.

You rolled a druid. You knew what you were getting. If you don’t like it anymore, change classes; or you could go play retail which did all the class changes.

“But retail isn’t TBCC”
-That was my point, and we want it to stay that way.


it’d be a lot simpler to just give druids rez

But retail isn’t TBCC

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Give mages time warp while you’re at it

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And hot streak and focus magic and all the food/water spells for the table at the trainer and 37 types of sheep and… wait, my hunter wants some stuff too!