Give dracs tail swipe back

Why is it removed from the racials.

Do dracthyr not have a tail anymore?

This is nonsense. Neither of the drac cc racials are even as strong as the tauren and kt ones.


At least i’m happy that they haven’t removed glide.

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I am rereading the ptr notes and they’re not even bring wing buffet down to its original cd? What the actual hell?

This is even more nonsense.

What about not gutting a race that’s not even anywhere near as gamebreaking as is being claimed based on pvp leaderboards.


This. They should’ve made it so Tail Swipe + Wing Buffet have a shared 2 minute cooldown for non-evokers [so they have roughly similar cooldowns compared to a non-dracthyr of their class], not outright remove Tail Swipe.

not to mention that removing tail swipe for non-evokers implies that a dracthyr that wasn’t trained to be an evoker somehow forgot that they can swing their tail around.


The silliest part of this is the announcement and the incredibly lazy non-evo intro clash massively and for no good reason.

The announcement is “dracthyr learned in contact with mortals”

Blue became a hunter after leaving stasis because she thinks dogs are cute (“It’s so adorable I could molt”, her words).

The intro is basically the lowest effort nonsense (and somehow spends more time trying to peddle factionitis instead of doing a recap of the race story)

I don’t really care about tail swipe but if they remove glide from PVE it’s a deal breaker for me. Wouldn’t even bother it’s literally the only reason to play one over existing races.l, cause the Dracthyr themselves are ugly AF.

Plus spamming double jump is something I miss from my DH.

I’d prefer they nuke soar before glide

If they want to limit glide within rated or instanced PVP I wouldn’t really care much about that even tho I do pvp

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I don’t even care about pvp, losing glide in pve? Yeah, sorry to be repetitive here, but I was sold playable dragons. This is what I bought DF for. This is what convinced me that maybe Slands was not the last time bliz got its hooks in me. This is what I swapped my main for, because it’s actually more fun to be able to do the dragon stuff outside of just rp.


Yup. I mean, tail swipe removal? Lame but OK
coulda just been on a 3 min cool down or something. But they touch glide / double jump and I’ll never roll a Dracthyr anything. Same with Soar. It’s just an innate part of being a dragon

I never even played evoker because 25 or 30 yard range on anything sucks idc how powerful the class is. Feels like you’re always just out of range of everything.

But anyway yeah they remove anything core to Dracthyr and it’s just kinda stupid like, oh, here’s dragons for all these classes. Btw they do absolutely nothing that dragons do


Tail Swipe: It’s a mediocre knock up that a lot of classes already have access to anyway, they would just give it to priest, warlock, hunter, and rogue
that’s it. Mage already has one that is a 45s cd and 40 yd range. Warrior gets one as a Colossus with Shockwave. Shaman get a knock up as a talent choice for Thunderstorm, Evokers get 2 if Aug with Tail Swipe, Monks get one, Druid gets one in PvP as Balance.

Wing Buffet: Kul Tiran gets a stronger knock back racial, farther push that also stuns. Mage knock back is stronger and on a 25s cd. Druid same thing, low CD and same power if not stronger. Shaman gets a good one, Monk gets a field of push back they can stand in. Hunter Explosive Trap.

Glide: Demon Hunter gets to glide and have tons of aerial mobility. Turns out MW monk in PvP can get the ability to ‘fly’ essentially. Lighter Than Air (Talent that gives a mini aerial dash after chi torpedo/roll) + Chi Torpedo + Thunder Focus Tea + Focused Thunder (tea talent that lets you use it on 3 spells not 1) + Thunderous Focus Tea (PvP talent that lets Chi Torpedo/Roll reset CD and heal, up to 3 times with the other talent.) Which lets you essentially zip across the sky as a Mistweaver.

But Dracthyr racials are broken. :wink:


Wait doesn’t rogue already have a knock up, even? Also hunter already has an all you can eat of ccs on reasonable timers (and half of them are hard cc too), an extra racial wasn’t going to make this more op

Not sure about rogue knock up, at least I’ve never seen it and been playing rogue for YEARS, hence why I was excited about Dracthyr Rogue. As for hunter CC, that’s exactly my point, the racials aren’t that big of a deal but people screeching about it is likely what made Blizz plan to move Tail Swipe to Evoker only. If we really wanna go crazy with racials, lets look at Void Elf and Mechagnome too. Zandalari, Undead infinite breath (if we go content wise). Keep in mind, I’m not against racials being good, I was a little disappointed Blood Elf lost silence, but aoe Dispel at least isn’t unuseable. (Still feel the mini silence was fine myself.)

Oh yeah I was agreeing (I was just on an alt to check replies to another thread)

I don’t know which is funnier, that they’re unlikely to touch shadowmeld unless night elves reach the stage of ladder dominance humans had in WoD (where, again, the whole 2x2 and 3x3 ladder was dominated by humans so hard it was hard to find another species on the list at all) or that they won’t touch vulp and mechagnome racials because relatively few people play them to begin with (even though mechagnome racials are busted and iirc vulp racials were consistently considered s tier for tanking through DF).

Yes, actually Vulp racial Nose For Trouble got buffed. Was 2% hp at launch, is now 5%.

But yeah while those things are fine, somehow a race which we have 0 indications will even dominate meta (outside its hero class) and where pvp does not indicate any sort of dominance is getting a string of preemptive nerf bats that also gut the racial fantasy.

This is incredibly annoying.

Here is hoping they actually follow what they say and listen to feedback
since I’ve seen a lot of people get a bit upset about this change, not just in forums but also in Trade. Thing that gets me the most is when they say they want things to make sense before they do it, then do a change like this, which
makes 0 sense since a dragon wouldn’t conveniently forget how to spin around and slap someone with their tail.


Thank god blizzard is listening to some feedback, it is already absurd the advantage they already have with glide.

The whole ‘advantage’ thing about glide is also nonsensical. Glide gives little to no benefit aside from not falling to your death. In some BGs you can get a bit of distance, DHs and anyone with gliders can also do this, Zandalari too.


I raid with two chars right now, On one of them when there is a big circle under me I have to stop casting, run out of it, move to a safe spot, sometimes get hit for trying to finish a cast. On my evoker, I just hit space twice, it literally boosts me out of the mechanic land never get hit. It’s almost impossible to get hit with mechanics with glide.

Btw did you know there’s a really good talent that makes disengage break almost all cc?

Show me the talent that allows disengage to break “almost all cc”?