Give Blood Elves Blue Eyes

I’m still here for this because it would make my mage look great.


Oh golly gosh, not this again


Oh, more Blood Elfs who do not understand their own lore? How quaint.



I like my beautiful blood elves to have those gorgeous green eyes…



I agree.

“Ultimately, it is a matter of time before the fel-power induced green glint reverts back to the blood elves’ regular high elven eyes.”

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I have an even better idea - give us a truly complex and creative method of character creation with a wide range of options. Eye colour, hair colour, hair styles, markings facial shapes, body shapes, skin tones, facial alterations - a game like ESO allows you to make a character with so many different variants it would be difficult to find another character looking exactly the same.

So if you wanted a short, solidly built, dark skinned elf with white hair and blue eyes, you could make one. Now THAT would be fun.


WoW’s character customization is sorely lacking, I’d like to see many more options as well. They should start by unlocking much of the heaps of NPC only customization for player use.


Orcs, many who never used any fel magic or drank demon blood, are still green, and you have to make a Mag’har Orc to get a brown one. And they’ve been away from it longer than you have.


Well, if Blood Elves are actually rebranded High Elves, there’s already a precedent set with this character at Farstryder Village:!AiiYFpfkLUK-gVc6QZTnux0Fhsr3

Blue eyes seems to work with this character. :slight_smile:

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Agree. Rather than spending time on gaming aspects that please few of us, allow us to create complex and interesting characters. I mean, characters are the absolute core of this game, without them we don’t play it. Expand our options. Create housing for those that love it. Improve professions for those that love that. And give us complex, fun character creation options.


That’s because that’s a HIGH ELF.


many RPG elements have been drained over the years from this game, expanding on character customization and transmog capabilities would be a big quality-of-life improvement to the game, it is much needed in the RP community especially.

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blue eye’s white dragoooooooon?



That’s my point. If Blood Elves are just rebranded High Elves, and this High Elf has blue eyes then Blood Elves should also get blue eyes without a problem, and without worry about lore.

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Imagine there are a bunch of developer sitting around trying to think up ways of attracting people back to the game. They heard lots of people wanted a Classic experience, so they are giving people that. But there are so many other things that people have been asking for over the years as well. And I think if certain playing styles were improved or included or reintroduced, you would get a whole new generation of people coming into the game to experience it.

Not allied races you have to grind, not throwing gear at us or mounts or pets at us, but gaming “quality of life” options such as those you mention.

  • professions able to create individualised transmog gear. Not gear that is used for gaming but gear that LOOKS gorgeous. Lord, I’d point them towards a dozen artists on Deviantart who could create wardrobes full of gorgeous gear that could be made.
  • the body customisation we’ve already mentioned.
  • Housing, scattered around the world, with interior fit out that can be pricked up from mobs or created by professions.

Think about it, devs…


“Rebranded” is an odd way of saying “mutated”. The green eyes are one of the signs of Blood Elf mutation that differentiates between High Elves and Blood Elves. There is no need to muddy the waters by doing something trollish like giving Blood Elves blue eyes. And make no mistake: It would be seen as a trollish action to do so, and one that is completely blind to the story.

Edit: Tone deaf would probably be a more apt description.


A poor choice of words. I stand corrected.

I was not aware the green eye color was a mutation that distinguished Blood Elves from High Elves. I though their past addiction to fel gave them green eyes, and golden eyed Blood Elves are those infused with the Light. I stand corrected on that point as well.

It’s all good. I’m a bit too sensitive about the subject. The Alliance has had High Elves (in World of Warcraft, even) for longer than the Horde has had Blood Elves. For the Horde to demand something like this is to demand we lose something in order to please some fancy of a random player.


I want High Elves for Alliance. Likely, that will never happen. This plea to blizzard gives me the impression that you’re using this as a celebratory taunt in light of what I and many, many others want for Alliance.

Case in point.


If high elves existed amongst the alliance before blood elves were ever thought of as a playable race then there is no reason they shouldn’t be playable for alliance.
