Give back Mass Dispell!


I am a simple Night elf who enjoyed the little joy Old Mass Dispell brought.
Please bring it back.

Mass dispel was our utility. A good reason to bring Disc Priest in the M+ Comp.

Whereas other healers have Intrupt, lust, bress, self bress, CCs and great sustain.
Our DPS and mass dispel which was our utility have been butchered and other healer also heal more.

“All healers should have the same damage to make it equal as its not fair for other healers” so are we getting Intrupt? Lust? Bress? CCs? Haha That Will Only make things fair, won’t it? Haha


Dis is designed to be a damaging healer except damage disparity is not seen as utility but imbalance so they are not allowed to do more damage…

Well, then give disc the stun, interrupt, bress or lust.

We traded our utilities for damage. That’s the deal.
More Damage = things die 2-5 seconds fast = didn’t need that stun or any other CC from the healer.

So other healers do more/equal damage and also out-heal us while jacking up their CC and interrupts.

How the hell that makes any sense.


It doesn’t but you will find people who defend it as if it does. I’ve literally been fighting that battle off and on again trying to get people to understand that disc as a spec does not work without high damage. The few times it got thr damage it was competitive and fun, then it was gutted and became irrelevant for anything beyond being a glorofied raid CD and the tragic thing is people where ok with that.

Its sad really.


Class-spec identity being stripped away slowly Hurts my soul tbh.

Each healer spec brings something which makes them desirable.

Disc brings high damage while sacrificing the utilities because the team comp already has enough utilities to go around the run.

Holy brings lower damage while having a Stun and interrupt along with 1 utility.

Healers get to choose who they wanna be.
(just a rough idea of how I kinda wanna see the healers)

The disc is stripped of high-damage and got nothing in return.


Actually on more than one occasion holy has had higher damage than disc by a very large margin. It isn’t an uncommon thing for disc to be one of the lower damager dealing healers out there, normally this happens shortly after a period in which its damage was correctly high.

Last time was DF S3 if I recall, disc had enough damage to actually be a threat in pvp. Ppl cried to nerf its damage but buff atonement. Blizzard listened, blizzard did that, and disc died at a spec for the rest of the expansion, and people including priests actually defended it.

Sad thing is we actually could look and see it was objectively bad for the game. The best example was RSS wait times going from 20-30 mins to 45-60 min wait times as less people played healers, specifically disc, because healers have such low agency in RSS and disc flipped that script for a short period.

So even with direct evidence showing disc with high damage is an objectively good thing for the game it was gutted and the spec and game suffered for it.


