Give Arugal layers

The queue is 1890 at 6:05pm, in game we’re looking at a couple of thousand players; lets assume 4k for the sake of this discussion. So of the almost 6,000 people on Arugal how many of those are bots? With your answer, please provide a source or a base for your estimate.

Also, what is a bot in your view? Are you including multiboxers?

Edit For reference, in the “most botted” areas there are hordeside:
Arathi Highlands - 19 players, 8 of which are 60
Hinterlands - 18 players, 5 of which are 60
Stranglethorn - 37 sub-60’s, 28 60’s
Barrens - 18 players 1-10, 108 players 11-19, 62 players 20-30, 42 players 31-60
Strat - 33 players
Dire Maul - 70 players
Hillsbrad - 59 players including 3 60’s
Alterac Mountains - 10 players

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He is just trolling, ignore him. I personally have been on Arugal since launch, and have two mains that I raid with, every week, in one of the better guilds on the server. I don’t appreciate the current queues, it throws all of my progress and reasoning for playing out the window. Bring back layers


is there an “h” in Bozo?

You are not even a normal Arugal player and talk bs here. Don’t know why but not only me, most people in Arugal will just want you shut up.

Thats right bozho, but the bot problems are getting worse and worse. Because Blizzard seems to avoid dealing with it. And the reason is because they can silence and shut you up once you are able to log in without a queue. It makes them money and the more and more players start to realize they can just use a bot on a second or more account(s) to do all their farming without any downside ;the bigger your queues are gonna get. And they gonna have to keep adding layers to allow the bots and the real players to play.

And the issue is that people keep asking for layering instead of demanding a bot fix. And the same people are then quiet because they can play on their now half dead realm (thanks to layers) that was never intended for classic longterm. So im just here to tell em that they are barking up the wrong tree.

Ya know if you wanted an arugal only discussion, maybe post it on the realm forum. This is the general forum

Just post your thing, don’t talk bs here then. This post name is give Arugal layers.

What am I missing here? Where are the thousands of bots on the server?

For reference, in the “most botted” areas there are hordeside:
Arathi Highlands - 19 players, 8 of which are 60
Hinterlands - 18 players, 5 of which are 60
Stranglethorn - 37 sub-60’s, 28 60’s
Barrens - 18 players 1-10, 108 players 11-19, 62 players 20-30, 42 players 31-60
Strat - 33 players
Dire Maul - 70 players
Hillsbrad - 59 players including 3 60’s
Alterac Mountains - 10 players
Tanaris, Feralas AND Silithus - Approx 100 players

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He doesn’t even play in arugal and assume the problem here for his own dirty benefit or something. No idea why, but maybe he making a living by farming gold and sell for real money so layers might crash the gold price so he has to beg for dinner or something.
Normal player just want to play when back home from work not wait for 2 3 hours.

I agree, but he’s using a strawman argument to defend his position. I’m attempting to show his argument for what it is, near baseless. We have bots, yes. But not enough to cause these queues.

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theres no que on the retail servers

Yeah there are multi box but not the main problem, main problem is we don’t have much choice for oce player. 3 pvp server and one already dead.So most people will stay in arugal and we have too many people play wow.

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But they do increase the queues, do you deny this fact?

i support this too. blizz needs to open up a couple new servers for all regions just to ease the playerbase in my opinion

So you got another account and talk bs here now? Good work. GO AWAY.

This alone wont work because people want to play with their guildmates or friends. So you have to offer free guild transfers.

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Why would I have more than one account you fool.

They don’t cause the queues, they would contribute to how full the server is.

If there’s 500 bots (and that’s going to be a very high number I expect when compared to reality) and you removed them, our queue would still be in excess of 2,000 legitimate players at OCE peak times. At this point, the layering discussion remains of importance to the vast majority of the playerbase.

Yes that’s why it is part of the solution. Its not the whole solution, but you need to address the problem in multiple ways.

it might work and it might not. honestly just opening the server wouldnt be enough as there are already servers in oceanic that are “dead” and a new server would also already be “dead” so it would have to be like you said, opened with free transfers from arugal to this new server. for maybe like 3 or 4 days only