Give All High Elves Golden Eyes

Contamination is not destruction. The blood elves themselves prove this. If they didn’t somehow absorb the fel energies of the surrounding architecture of Silvermoon, then what gave them their green eyes? KT demonstrated that blood elves were capable of feeding off fel energy, and if there’s energy just wisping about nearby and you’re starved for it, you really think your body’s not gonna take a metaphorical gulp?

As I have said before, while the parts are equal, holy does seem to be the more dominant force in the mix. I also suspect High elves no longer have a direct connection and the blood elves might undergo a ritual to reconnect with the new sunwell.

1 Like The KT and Illidan meeting was to teach them how to EXPEL excess magical energies (which became their racial ability) to keep them from OD’ing and becoming wretched. BE and HE already knew how to drain magic before that.

I think I am done here.

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until something new comes up that is fanfiction

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What are you talking about? Illidan literally provided KT with a promise of magical energies to keep them sated. Then KT sent a lackey back to Quel’thalas to spread the good word.

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So is the idea that high elves might also all be connected to the sunwell. All we do know is that they will continue to represent high elves with blue eyes.

but we know they are connected to it :slightly_smiling_face:

oh unless you meant the void elves. now that makes sense with your first statement

if you want to play a high elf modified enough to not infringe on a blood elf and severed their connection with a sunwell, youre already playing it

To bad dk eyes are going more greenish in shadowlands. :frowning:

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I don’t think Holy is the more dominant force. I do however think Holy like fel might show itself in more physical ways.

To bad your not playing a highelf either :man_shrugging:

You are just being petty because you can’t have non soul sucking blue eyes.

It’s ok if you want blue eyes for real play an NPC.

We know that the universe is made from Light and Void. When the two collided in like a big bang es way it created everything we know.
so it’s safe to say its a more dominating force then Arcane.


but i can just play my DK where ive enjoyed my blue eyes and pale skin for over a decade now

the horde is waiting, as it always has nylodas

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

now youre realizing why all high elves should have golden eyes

Wrong, see below:

Ok, except we’ve only seen the light expel fel nothing else. So congrats on making your own reason fail. Those eyes arent blue they are eyes of an empty shell. I play both factions so I guess its waiting for me? When I log on to do my dailies and weekly? Also its Nyloras. I see you can really see what you choose to. Be blinded by the salt that arises in you for not getting what you want.

i play both but i prefer the horde narrative. just more interesting

Wow, this nuclear salt reactor’s still kicking, eh?

Green eyes’ll learn ya not to get exposed to fel energy, kiddos.