Girl Man'ari Are So Cute

It’s the world’s most unfair of injustices that we can’t play with these wonderful ladies.

They also have abs of steel.


Would have been more interesting if Alliance got Man’ari Eredar as a Allied race instead of those lightforged floozies :frowning:


If Blizzard can make a good excuse for Man’ari to be relevant again, then that would be cool. At the same time, Demon Hunters become relevant again to kill them all! :crazy_face:

Give me these and the Fel-Totem, need more Warlock races.


Demon Hunters should hunt each other.

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Not really into Fel. Sorry not sorry.

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What do you mean, they’re just red draenei…

Minus the uh… super toned body there…

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I’d roll horde finally if they got man’ar

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We already do in PvP, as I am forced to slay my own Night Elf comrades. Just like how Pandaren kill eachother. :smiling_imp:

Ok. Let me rephrase that.

Demon Hunters should hunt each other to extinction.

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In your wildest, most assuredly impossible dreams, Mortis.
You will never get Metamorphosis back. IT IS OURS. :imp:

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Can we get man’ari DHs?

No that doesn’t look cute.

I don’t want it back.

It has Demon Hunter cooties now.

Why would Demons be Demon Hunters?

Would you become a Draenei Hunter? As in a person who hunts Draenei down?


I’d definite hunt LF Draenei down. it’s their turn to become roads.

You’re just mad you’re not that jacked

Also meta always had DH cooties.

Not when it was Gul’dan’s. In his skull. Before it was stolen by Illidan along with Tomb of Sargeras information.

Says the floozie. M.Eredar should have been a horde AR race.

Edit: this thread is a waste. OP is spamming.

I don’t care which faction gets them.

I just want them to be playable! I want to tickle their abs!

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