So I can storm it and get this mess over. Plunderbore the first time was painful, second time is boring. Gimme my items so I can go back to Marvel Rivals real fast
Sorry not sorry
So I can storm it and get this mess over. Plunderbore the first time was painful, second time is boring. Gimme my items so I can go back to Marvel Rivals real fast
Sorry not sorry
It would be great if they made a game for Stargate fans…
I’m not a fan of Marvel, and I didn’t like the game, even though everyone says it’s the best PvP game. In my opinion, they’re lying.
Get to playing and stop fussin on the forums, and you’ll get your items in no time!
So instead of being in game and going the thngs you are here fussing.
This is how I feel about it. Only difference is I’m skipping Plunderplorm altogether and opting to play whatever I want from the get go instead.
I got my cosmetics, then the game started saying I’m nearing the cap for plunder with nothing to spend it on. Then I noticed I’m still like, 105k plunder from the Treasured Title which is only 90~ more matches or 27 more wins.
I might get it. But not today.
Anyone engaging in combat with players 1 or 2 minutes in before people can finish quests is the real bore and waste. Low level ability people are carrying I’m pretty sure is worth nothing too.
I prefer dying to chickens at the farm.
Definitely can’t wait to be done with this game mode. I was a little interested, right up until I found out it’s not even wow PvP. It’s some janky pseudo vehicle combat.
Second I get the things I want, I’m not doing any more of it
You have to work for the rewards just like everyone else does.
Most of my early kills and/or deaths have been a result of people dropping on the same exact spot as I was. I think at most we had 3 people all land at the same elite which meant a race to pick up the abilities and then a bloodbath because no one was going to just leave the area.
I’ve been doing a lot of the North east landing point as the orc camp is either completely empty and a free level 6-7 before walking into the open world or “Everyone landed here” resulting in a race to more or less die in the first 30 seconds because leaving your landing spot with no abilities and no levels makes quest completion that much harder.
I entered the event expecting new things but when I opened the store I already had almost everything
Marvel Rivals is gonna drop off like a hot brick faster than overwatch
You don’t like it, other people do.
Why crap all over it?
Sounds about right for most complainers on the forums
Pretty much
Sucks cause the Stargate franchise is pretty huge with lots of potential worlds, new enemies, new allies that you could play as, and so much more. Little planet combat, space combat, puzzles, and more it could be a pretty nerdy mmo like STO kinda is.
Ya know you dont actually need to play just for a couple mount and mog recolors.
The only thing worth is the pirate pepe, everything else is Meh!!!
Plunderstorm is fun tho. I like getting all the treasures and the burning axe move lol! It’s so fun to chop things
Have you considered just not forcing yourself to play a mode you hate?