Gilneas Call for Trade - Future Dates TBA

Gilneas Call For Trade [RP] :wolf:

Friday November 22, 6pm server - ???
(8 central, 9 eastern)

By the authority of the Royal family, and the office of commerce, the trade market is open to help prop up the economy and raise funds to support the Gilnean Trackers bound for Khaz Algar!

We will be in the Merchant Square of Gilneas!
Vendors are welcome to come and set up booths! Of any kind!
Could use this as an opportunity to market all sorts of things!

Customers and Traders wanted as well!

I will post here with Anchors for Horde and Alliance, and/or a Raid Group listing to join, night of event.



Please come on by! Quickfuse will be out there offering… stuff.

“Oh, honey, look… hand grenades.”


You WILL be screened upon entering the city…


See yall out there.

Like… me specifically or everyone?

Because if it’s just me, I hope you’re ready to do a full cavity search, and honey, as an undead I got alotsa’dem.

…also my safety word is “pineapple juice.”

Sounds like fun! The trading part, not the cavity searching ofc.

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Idk, I’m up for digging out a Forsaken. Just let me get my gas mask and gloves.

And now your safety word is “Fluggaenkoecchicebolsen.”

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Dinner first.


Who came out tonight!

Would say that was a success! Cya at the next one!

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