Gilnean RP Event (1/18) Gathering in Keel Harbor

Edit #4 - the next RP event for Gilneas is Saturday, 1/18 at 6 PM ST

A monthly Gilneas Gathering is planned! Ships have been reportedly making a stop at Keel Harbor, resulting in heroes gathering as they prepare to continue their adventure!

Past event #1: Gilneas calls for trade
By the authority of the queen, and the office of commerce, the market square is open for all foreign trade, in hopes to help prop up the economy and raise funds to support the Gilnean Trackers bound for Khaz Algar! Bring your materials, and bring your purses. May you find what you need, and perhaps a friend along the way!

Past event #2: Gilneas church gathering

The Lights Dawn Cathedral opens its doors for passing travelers to rest and meet with one another! With the danger of the Scarlet Crusade dwindling, Gilneans and Heroes can now take a breath of relief.

(BTW, these are spearheaded by a Worgen RPer named Dienarde, who has been very enthusiastically looking for and promoting Worgen and Gilneas RP. Credit where it’s due, he’s doing a great job at getting something started from absolute scratch!)


How are the Scarlets even still a thing? Seriously.


Ask Blizz that question. I honestly don’t know.


Gilneas + Inky Black Potion = legit


Still think it was a mistake to just…give Gilneas back to the Alliance. The Forsaken took the city, and with the UC deathbombed and ruined, Gilneas City should have become the new capital for them.

Gilneans want it back but the Forsaken are refusing, so thus, the embers of factional conflict are able to remain.

This is starting. We’re in Premade Legacy Raids: Gilneans NOV 8 RP Event.

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Great turnout tonight!

See yall at the next one.

(we need more Worgens in Gilneas tho)

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For people who attended the event (and those who didn’t):

  • What type of character did you attend on? Gilnean? Worgen? Someone else?
  • What did you do at the event?
  • Do you have any thoughts or ideas you’d like to see in further Gilneas RP?
  • Would you be interested in attending again in another couple of weeks, with a market theme or other idea?
  • Do you think this has encouraged you to perhaps RP in Gilneas occasionally, with or without an event?

I brought Harun, and I had a great time! I think though, if you’re going to have a big event/gathering like that, there needs to be something more of substance to really latch onto. Being a tourist in a new city is nice, but coming up with a reason to continually go is harder.

That’s why events like Markets, taverns, any sort of social gathering like a musical event or poetry, has a draw to keep people engaged with an event past it being set in a location that isn’t used very often.


I unfortunately had to work, or I would have brought my Highmountain Brewmaster to represent the Spirits of the Earth Mother tavern and try to open up some all trading business.

As my work rotates, hopefully I can make it happen in the future.


I’m available as a civilian/NPC/storyteller if needed. I enjoy rolling supporting characters in RP initiatives.

I’m an expert at showing up to RP events, going afk because I got a phone call and then disconnecting.

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No one is making you buy things. Well, I might.

But you know what I mean. You can walk around and schmooze people. Or steal their wallets. Or add a Forsaken POV to the event without being too inflammatory since it’s a new event, but still.

Inflammatory? Moi? Why I would never…

*Eyelash flutter. *

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Bumping this up to the top for a gentle reminder for Friday.

By the authority of the Royal family, and the office of commerce, the trade market is open to help prop up the economy and raise funds to support the Gilnean Trackers bound for Khaz Algar!

This event will be a market type event. Merchants welcome!


This is happening right now! Come to Gilneas to shop.

Event Album

This was fun! Here is an album link of screenshots from the event:


Afterthoughts from last night’s event:

  • A good number of vendors. Excellent location.
  • Plenty of online advertisement on WrA forums and Discords.
  • Drew some off-server participants. (I did not expect that!)
  • Still could use more “Gilneans” but I was happy to see others and cross faction.


  • Every other week seems to be a decent schedule to maintain interest and growth (with the exception of December holidays, and conflicting schedules).
  • I highly suggest advertising in trade and on MG forums.
  • For now, splitting between 1 walk up event and 1 market event monthly isn’t a bad idea. Or rotating in other themes. I could see a “roll a Worgen” event, or a pub crawl with different brewers set up.
  • Moving around Gilneas also isn’t a bad idea.
  • Advertising in conjunction with Die’s worgen community isn’t a bad idea. Tying the community into the event might bring added interest to the community.

Gilneas is shaping up to be a good hub location for scheduling RP events. Let’s keep the momentum going there. It’s helping both Alliance RP and cross faction, as well as the Worgen community - which is the original point :slight_smile:

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the next RP event for Gilneas is Sunday, 12/8 at 6 PM ST at the Cathedral

Current event: Gilneas church gathering

The Lights Dawn Cathedral opens its doors for passing travelers to rest and meet with one another! With the danger of the Scarlet Crusade dwindling, Gilneans and Heroes can now take a breath of relief.


This is tonight! 6 PM ST at the Gilneas Cathedral.

Hosted by Dienarde. Hope to see your Worgen, Gilneans or other characters here for a bit of walk up.