I am going to enjoy camping you on my Gilgoblin when they are released.
Will we get reputation with The Anglers for each honorable kill?
Notice the part where she says"I’ve got gadgets and gizmos galore." Oh! I am can just imagine the aquatic tech already!
I don’t know. I do expect pvp in Nazjatar to be pretty fun though.
Gilgoblins already have their stashes, they just need to learn to build!
Man, just think how awesome the heritage armor will be if they do get to become allied races. Give them a trident transmog and…oooo, I’m just getting so excited!
I’m beginning to think the Gilgoblins are gonna be the Goblin Alliance race, and the Huojin Pandaren the Vulpera.
Literally 0 evidence for Vulpera being Alliance.
And… Gilgolbins aren’t reskinned Goblins? What.
You know I just realized something. Once 8.2 hits live servers, although I plan to max all the new reps on Horde and Alliance, I’ll be focusing on The Unshackled rep the most. Likely we may be running into each other as we do the storyline quests and world quests for said rep. Looking forward to potentially helping people out! ^^
Plan to do the same with the other reps of course, in case they become related to other allied races. ^^
I love what you did! I really do … but I would back leper gnome.
It just fits. Alliance is probably going to get that friggin fox people anyway, which are reskinned goblins.
This is a really outdated comment. Back when BFA was just entering PTR.
Welp, but the looks of the datamined 8.2 there is evidence that both Vulpera and GilGoblins could be an allied race at some point in the future (though, I wonder why the Gil’s are getting their new models BEFORE actual Core Goblins)?
Meh … if Gob’s get GilGoblins … I suppose maybe that will tempt Blizz into portraying actual Goblins as little more than greed filled lemmings. Though … if we get the Blue variants with no lore (because they’ve only existed for like 20 years) … it does destroy any hope that we might ever get rid of Wix as our Racial Leader (he’s funny, but he’s complete trash).
Man … I would kill to have a leader worth fighting for; rather than a lazy, incompetent, harbinger of his people’s own destruction that EVERY Goblin with any talent has been stated to hate; and actual serves as a detriment to both his people and faction due to his need to skim so heavily from the top. I guess that’s why all the Good Goblins Leaders are Neutral or Alliance these days.
Sassy needs to step up!
Oh that’s probs just the timing. They needed a female gilgoblin, so the brand new model had to be up to par. I might be wrong but I think I heard that they were tweaking the female worgen (?) so that might be why they’re taking so long
Man … I would kill to have a leader worth fighting for; rather than a lazy, incompetent, harbinger of his people’s own destruction that EVERY Gobliln with any talent has been stated to hate; and actual serves as a detriment to both his people and faction due to his need to skim so heavily from the top. I guess that’s why all the Good Goblins Leaders are Neutral or Alliance these days.
I do agree with this. Gallywix needs to go. His incomptence during the war campaign was upsetting. I know there are some goblins that given the right resources could have given Mekkatorque a good fight.
As a side note, IF (and this is the big IF) GilGoblin’s bring in Sea Giants into the Horde (even if they aren’t playable) … I would be more forgiving of them. The cognitively challenged sea rats need to come with some form of military asset beyond JUST being good in the water (because, we’re liable to be out of Naz’jatar (or damned near out of it) before they would join).
They don’t have either the mental acuity or necessary time to create anything of technological merit (and honestly, even if they did … them being just BLUE Goblins with no culture or nostrils would suck so bad; they would actively be worse than the Void elves on every conceptual front). So … they need to bring something big into the Horde; especially if its Wix (the representation of ALL the negatives of Goblin-kind and NONE of the positives) that brings them in.
Speaking of, I wonder if this would mean both a group of sea giants and lobster people would join the Horde as NPC’s. Would be neat to see Gilblins directing them during a battle against the Alliance. ^^
Ooh sea giants and gronn together would be formidable
This is a possibility that the Gilgoblins may be intelligent ones depending on what sort of situation blizzard introduces us too. What if there has been Kajamite in Nazjatar and they’ve been exposed to it? Even though they lost a lot of their intelligence, there is nothing to say that they may not be able to get it back. Hobart may also do something to fix their intelligence. In the goblin starting zone, Hobart was seen handing out Kajacola’s that temporarily increase intelligence.
I get that, but I find it difficult to get invested in a species of people that have less than likely two decades of possible lore behind them; and much of that was spent in a mutation induced stupor. I’m also not fond of a species that has been literally portrayed as nothing more than Aquatic Greed Filled Lemmings; when because of Wix’s awful influence ACTUAL Goblins have issues escaping that role with Blizz’s writing style (we’re NEVER portrayed as even close to Gnome intellect).
The reason I’m more forgiving of JunkerGnomes is that they are having a literal zone (and megadungeon) devoted to them; and since they evolved independently as a civilization from Gnomergon they could have an interesting culture. That isn’t likely the case with GilGoblin’s, and even if it were … they are unlikely to have much to differentiate them from actual Goblins (outside of Hobart being their literal creator; being blue; and having gills). They’d be a joke race…
This is especially true since I “really” doubt that a zone based around Azshara and the Naga is going to invest that heavily in the GilGoblin’s culture exclusively (there are a number of slave races they showed off). Its just … it sounds like a genuinely worse version of Void Elves (with the same level of “culture” those edgy knife ears have, but far less of any aesthetic factor or future storytelling possibilities to compensate). They will be important with the Old Gods and Void, Gil’s … water I guess?
Ogres would have a friendly rivalry to them, I am sure.
Speaking of, Ogres are still my most wanted race since I started playing shortly after BC. ^^
I get that, but I find it difficult to get invested in a species of people that have less than likely two decades of possible lore behind them
The timeline of goblins to present since they have free themselves from the Jungle troll has been roughly 100 years. Think about this for a minute though and think about just what the race has accomplished in that time. In 100 years, they
1.Became a vast industrious force across Azeroth with settlements all over the place.
2. Invented a new species.
3. Have built technology that in many instances surpasses that of the gnomes.
4. Built things that ended up being raid bosses for us in multiple instances.
I could go on and on. Vulpera I should mention also have a history of being enslaved by Set’hrak. It is not like they are this glorious people that are too powerful to be enslaved.