Was thinking about some racials for them if they’re ever made playable. I thought it would be neat to emphasize calling your friends for help to highlight the kelfin’s ability to make fast friends and to emphasize that it’s not just kelfin that are in the Horde but also the other races of the Unshackled.
-Forever Unshackled: Remove all snare and movement impairing effects.
-Sea Giant Buddy: Summon Telur who’ll knockback surrounding enemies a few yards and stun them for one second.
-Makrura Buddy: Summon Mak who’ll give you access to your bank.
-Murloc Buddy: Summon Mrrl, a vendor who sells unique, fun items like fireworks and a puntable seashell for small amounts of silver.
-Friends in Deep Places: While swimming, summon a Son of Gral, a large, rideable shark that moves extremely fast for a few seconds. Passively allows underwater breathing.
(The ability numbers are intentionally vague and have no CD timers because I have no knowledge about how to balance them)