Giant sword in Silithus

When Americans say “what are you on about” it’s nails on a chalkboard. That’s British​:rofl::rofl:

I want my house to be on top of it, the entire hilt shall be my penthouse.

i say we just throw a nice big white sheet over it and call it a day.
what sword?

And Sargeras drove a sword 1000 times the size of Deathwing deep into the earth from space. An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs. This sword is much bigger than an asteroid and it works have kicked up so much debris it works have blocked out the sun causing a nuclear winter. And elemental plane is just a place. Deathwing is a fly compared to that sword plunged into Azeroth.

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The one you can see in the western sky while standing where the anniversary use to be, two zones away. Kinda hard to miss.

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Probably going to be in the last titan.

There is no sword in Ba Sing Se.

Woonz. The word you were looking for is woonz :wink:

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Metzen did a “Wowcast” a few months ago and said this about the sword:

“The sword. The resolution of the sword that we started with at Blizzcon, actually, that’s a 13 thing.” Meaning patch 13.0. He furthered that by saying, “We’re going to build to that. I would even say you are not prepared for that moment.”

Chris Metzen on the Worldsoul Saga | WoWCast

a giant dreadmoon.

Giant Sword In Silithus was my nickname in high-school

I wouldn’t say the whole world just a zone and 2 island. we haven’t seen Azerite anywhere else since

Fox Maul waves hand, “that is not a sword, it is a giant marshmallow prop. Go eat”.

Carve rooms into it and make it a tourist trap, obviously. “Come to the fabulous Sword Hotel!”

I was here for Cata, no they shouldn’t have.

Make the sword a raid.

Someone finally breaks inside of it and finds a network of tunnels. Miniscule imperfections in the steel that are massive compared to us.

Thal’kiel wants to set up shop there. (He’s back, by the way, turns out infusing a powerful undead warlock with fel doesn’t actually hurt them) But he can’t because it’s full of demons, so he tricks us into clearing it out for him by claiming all the demons in the sword are hurting Azeroth.

They are hurting Azeroth, but he doesn’t care about that so much as he cares about getting all the demons out of his shiny new base.

It would be part of a patch that updates Silithus to be a mid-expansion zone like Siren Isle. The same patch would also have add Void Elf, Draenei, and Orc Demon hunters.

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Where can I hire you???

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Breadisexcalibur :crossed_swords:

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Lol they forgot again

I still say we ought to whistle up the Vindicaar, get the biggest tow chain everyone’s ever seen, gather up all of the cutting torches we can find, and go to town on that bad boy. There’s steel in them thar hills…

I keep reading this a different way.