Giant giraffe people

we can have a giant sized giraffe person to battle the taurens. they would be 10-12 feet tall - huge necks, and wear leather armor

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How many more races are you going to suggest Felleynd?


I just think we need to make an additional alliance race. You have never actually suggested anything useful in any post I have seen you in. Are you sure you are a night elf and not a real life troll :open_mouth:

How about a gnome sized body and a 10 foot long neck?

I would love this. I’d make a macro that says “How’s the weather up there?” and use it every chance I got.

Additional Horde race:

that would be frightening :open_mouth:

Playable races they should add to the Horde;

  • Stonemaul Ogres
  • Revantusk Forest Trolls
  • Mok’Nathal
  • Taunka
  • Dire Trolls
  • Naga
  • Forsaken Elf Body Types
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but Giraffee men for the alliance

Did you stop by a zoo recently?

One time I was at the Bronx Zoo and had an amazing giraffe experience. I was a kid, maybe 12 and had some peanuts. The giraffe was at the other end of her area. I held out the peanuts in my hand.

The giraffe turned around and started toward me then stopped about half way. She knew how long her neck was. Then she started lowering her head down. It got bigger and bigger as it came toward me.

Finally her head was down by my hand, she had measured it perfectly. And what I never realized was how massive their heads really are.

She took the peanuts, her head went back up, she turned around and returned to where she started.

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dreams of being a giraffee

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If you want to be a giraffe go play FFXIV.


Yeah, I said it. I play elezan in FFXIV, so I’m allowed.

what is an Elezan???

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It’s an elf in FFXIV, but they have long necks for their body proportions so they are jokingly called giraffes.

got it how long are the necks

Bout this long

shouldnt it be 5-10 feet long?

No. I said they have necks disproportionate to their body size, not that they litterally have giraffe necks

but imagine 10 ft tall neck that would be cool