Now fix the fresh server 3 hour queue and i’ll feel like i’m getting what i paid for lol. Too bad i pre-paid for 3 months.
Remember lots of dopamine driven retail zoomers and streamers on wotlk that will have mental breakdowns if their 500k xp/hr is somewhat afflicted
Glad is gone.
I want a refund. This event was a rip off and the only reason I re subbed.
I have subbed consistently for at least 14 years. The handling of this event, if it is in fact left incomplete as it seems to be, is the biggest disappointment I’ve had with this game to date. Please consider patching this back up to be the event it was meant to be before Wrath. This pre Wrath event has been hyped even when BC was just getting going. For alot of folks this was a very big deal. Just wanted to add my 2 cents somewhere in case it helps in someway.
I mean, judging by the difference in hearts here, it seems a larger majority enjoyed it, lol.
Well I see the loud mouth lame minority got their bloomers in a bunch - I figured Blizzard would cave and give in, why not, it is what they do best.
Most words have been long in use, yes. Facts but they often make a comeback and are overused, gaslighting
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