Ghostcrawler claims theres a chance the riot MMO wont even ship

Guess this is the future of gaming, MMOs are dead and mobile games are all the “rage”

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MMO’s are like the chat rooms of the 1990’s to what Facebook has become now.

MMO days are surely numbered. Despite the superior ability to provide real immersion peoples lives have just become crazy busy.

And with the advent of Facebook mobile people have gone from having deep meaningful interactions that are -possible- in a chat room environment to just scrolling someone’s feed once in a while and liking their memes.

It’s not the same as a deep conversation but, it also fits with peoples modern lives.

Take dating apps as another example. People used to get to know each other on chat rooms in the early 2000’s in a deeper way. But now they swipe right and left on hundreds of photos per day and are Netflix and Chillin faster than it took to even strike up a conversation in an old chat room.

Times are just changing. All things eventually become old and stale and give way to something that fits the emerging society.


I mean, it’s risky, and a lot of resources.

Also there’s people not really wanting to be social. Just look at League; it knows that people who play it don’t have friends and does its best to accommodate them, and is successful as a result.

I mean, yes and no.

MMOs are not in their hayday anymore despite a couple big names trying to throw them out there (Amazon, most likely Riot). WoW was always a total anomaly in terms of market share, and nothing since has captured that and it’s incredibly unlikely at this point that anything will. The genre is going to stagnate eventually. It’s already true that the biggest names in the genre are games that have been out for a decade or more. (Well, ESO has 2 more years for that, I guess, but I also heavily suspect its population disintegrates the second we see a TES6). I know the genre itself lends itself to longevity to some extent, but the most popular games being a decade old does not bode well for a genre. The appeal of an MMO has shifted heavily from “holy crap I’m playing online with thousands of players at once” of the late 90s / early 2000s" to “Its kind of immersive, I guess. But not as much as a single player game. But I can play with friends?” Tough spot, honestly.

And it’s also true that Mobile Games are a huge market that everyone wants to dip their toes into for the basically free money.

But I don’t actually think studios are abandoning PC/Console Games to do that. They seem to have just been hiring new, separate teams to focus on mobile while they keep doing their thing otherwise.

MMOs not being the most marketable thing in the world doesn’t mean everyone has switched to Mobile Gaming.


it will come it has to.

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why would an mmo have to “ship” in this day and age? doesnt make sense.

Are you taking the word “ship” in the literal sense? It seems to me he is using it figuratively meaning “put out”. It just old slang, all he is saying is if the game is not good they are not going to release it. Much like how Overwatch was supposed to be an MMO but it did not work out.


thats what was meant by the way it was stated.

No it’s not.


Take it how you want. :woman_shrugging:t6:


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I think there’s a place for MMOs in modern gaming, but the genre has to evolve. The days of the now ancient model of an extremely top-heavy game centered around scheduled instanced content are numbered.

The future of MMOs I think is going to look a lot more dynamic and sandboxy. The old theme park style questing will still be an element, but it’ll no longer be the spotlight. Imagine something along the lines of a massively multiplayer Breath of the Wild with elements from Minecraft or Valheim or something like that.

Game companies can’t just keep churning out WoW-likes and expect them to work.

then you tell me what it wont be shipped means?

Let him come back and lead WoW if this is the case.

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Like I say take it how you want. I could tell you but I am not wasting anymore of my time to do so.

Yeah people say WoW is dying, but the truth is that MMOs are dying. I hate to say it, but the future of Warcraft is mobile.

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Mmo rpgs are not going anywhere. Just not as popular genre like they once were. There will always be a market for these types of games, and a base that will continue to play them. Most new mmorpg games will go the way of Wildstar though, unless they are more casual type though imo. Because folks nowadays don’t have the time to dedicate into constant grinds. Just my opinion anyways.

Given how many players jumped on the New World and Lost Ark train I can only roll my eyes when I read that MMOs are dead or that players aren’t interested anymore.

But Riot might be realizing that building an MMO as a competitive game for PvP arenas and world-first raiding, which is 100% what they must be going for since they’re Riot, might not be the idea in the world when they can just build a normal competitive online game for much cheaper and still have all the hooks they need to keep their DAU up because they do just that with their other live services.

And since they’re e-sport guys I bet they also have zero interest to compete with chill MMOs like FF and ESO and put half their budget on storytelling, player housing and other chill non-competitive content.

So yeah, Riot cancelling their MMO wouldn’t be a big shock to me. I don’t expect them to but it wouldn’t come completely out of the blue for me.

Ok, let’s assume he did.

This is still wrong. They probably will literally ship physical copies. They still exist. People still buy physical copies of games.