Ghost wolf forms?

I know it’s probably asking for a lot but I wish we can get more ghost wolf forms! I really like the idea of having forms that could also represent our specs and not just races. The ones we have are pretty cool but as a resto shaman I would enjoy a pretty otter form or a duck!! :blush:

What other forms would be fun or is something you’ve wished for?


I still think shammies should have had access to all the night fae forms, make it a glyph or something, idk.


Oh man I would like that too. Especially the snake critter form.

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I don’t even play shaman and I highly support this!

I feel like this is something that could have been done during our shaman heavy expansion that was Dragonflght.

Poor shamans got nothing despite the theme and then had to watch druids get even more than they already have at the end lol


But we already got the best one, the raptor.

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The raptor is good, but it’s so tough looking!

That would require them putting more effort into shaman than absolutely necessary. I just don’t see it.

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That’s why I asked so nicely

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asking anything from these new age devs is asking a lot- that’s why they make sure not to give us anything we want.

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I hate the Snarler model and would happily go back to the original wolf.

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I’m guessing they won’t use anything that resembles current Druid-forms, however, I think they could give us an ottuk form as they are pretty much the wolves of the Dragon Isles.

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I would love to see more wolf forms, racial variants and just cool looking ones. I’ve been using the astral wolf glyph for years but for my shaman, a Tauren, I’d want a buffalo or something.

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It’s really absurd that we have so few. Literally all it takes to make a new Ghost Wolf form is turn down the opacity on an existing beast model. Boom, done.


For most classes it’s not asking for a lot. For shamans though, how dare you!

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I mean, to be fair, any cool addition that any class gets is more effort than absolutely necessary. Druids didn’t need a bunch of new options this expansion. We had an entire expansion about elemental primalists with elemental invasions and elemental storms all day every day. Nothing for shaman. Then comes an Emerald Dream patch and boom - so many new druid options. I don’t think asking them to turn the opacity down on a few different models they already have in-game to give shamans more choices for their one travel form would be asking too much.

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All I want for my goblin shaman is just a mechanical wolf glyph for Ghost Wolf across all specs and for Feral Spirits talent for enhancement.

Cause giving these bad boys the reduced opacity and a light blue hue would be rather epic.

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This would be fantastic!

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Ghost wolf forms need to be put in barbershop like what they did for druid forms.


Agreed. It’s kinda silly that if you want to use a different shaman travel form you have to buy the glyph to change it on all 3 specs (if you use all 3 specs) but druids can go in and change their forms for free in the barber shop.