Getting Vulpera AFTER shadowlands

Those who grinded got to play and level their allied races about a year or so sooner than those who waited.

Fair trade off. Though, i’m not as entitled as other people. I grinded allied races twice on different accounts, I don’t care if people who waited get em free.


Who does care about that though? I haven’t seen anyone make the argument that they shouldn’t get the ARs. People are literally just making the case that people are so incredibly lazy they can’t take 20 minutes out of their day to “grind” for the ARs. It is one of the easiest grinds in the game.

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I’ve seen several posts that basically say it’s not fair that people get them without rep. It’s crazy. I’ve unlocked them and I’m all for removing the rep.

Really? Huh. I guess I’m slacking with my Forum Kungfu since I haven’t seen any of those posts :cry:. Anyway, that’s stupid but so is being so lazy that they can’t dedicate 20 minutes a day to unlocking something that they supposedly care about. Especially with the Voldunai who get you to essentially revered just by doing their zone’s quests.

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I’m doing the same thing while I figure out what I need for zandalari. I may grind for them if I get really bored, but I’ll probably just complete the rest and wait on those too. I was so not looking forward to Voldunai, but I will definitely do the other parts. I figure by the time SL drops I’ll be about ready to try a vulpera.

Saw this one yesterday.

Eh. Normally, I’d say they should allow them to unlock the racial mounts at 40 if they were too lazy to rep grind but I have literally no clue where that cutoff would be in SL :joy:

yeah…dont need to get started on that, lol :rofl:
I’ll wait.

I play 8-10 hours a day…how about you?
lazy has nothing to do with it. I HATE BFA.
Not that I need to explain myself.

You play 8-10 hours a day and can’t commit 20 minutes to unlocking a race you supposedly want, even though the alternative is waiting a year? Yeah, you are lazy.

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get out of my thread with your trolling please…thanks.
Unlike some, I like to play content that DOESNT suck

If there were more than one way to get rep other than monotonous, boring WQ I’d do it, but there’s not.

I’ll wait lmao

Pointing out the truth isn’t trolling, little one. You supposedly want something yet you are unwilling to put forth the bare minimum to unlock it even though it has insanely easy requirements, even though you play 30x the amount of time PER DAY that it requires you to unlock in a timely fashion. That is the definition of laziness.

These jokers and that ‘lazy’ laugh make me giggle.
They play 1/4 of what I do…THEY are the lazy ones.
My gaming standards are apparently higher than theirs.

good thing?
WE have ignore now…byebye

Doesn’t change how lazy you are. :nail_care:

He explained it well.

You gotta understand how hate works. No amount of reward or speed or any kind of perk will make someone not hate what they hate.

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I play 12 to 16 hours a day, guess what my 8.3 reps are at :smiley: Whatever they get to by doing the quest line and nothing else lol.

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I loved the Drustvar witch questline. literally couldnt even go to the bathroom till I finished it.
Other than that, ive HATED BFA.
It hasnt got a thing to do with lazy.
Iplay FAR more than these jokers who love to toss that word around who apparently love sub par boring and what feels to be even plagiarized storylines

and quite frankly its NONE of his or anyone elses business if you, I or anyone else chooses not to do the rep grind.

walks into thread when she saw the word vulpera

Wow. This is instense.

Slowly backs out


As I’m posting on a Mag’har Orc. lmao

I’m sorry the game is too terribly designed?

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You new to wow? We die on every single hill :rofl: