I’m looking to start farming ny’alotha for transmog on a character that hasn’t really done much. Has anyone recently been through this and can point me to the correct path to unlock it?
Thanks in advance!
I’m looking to start farming ny’alotha for transmog on a character that hasn’t really done much. Has anyone recently been through this and can point me to the correct path to unlock it?
Thanks in advance!
I don’t think you have to do anything anymore. Just head to whichever zone the raid portal’s currently in (either Uldum or Vale of Eternal Blossoms; it alternates weekly). The legendary cloak used to be a ‘requirement’ since you needed it for the last two bosses, but that’s no longer necessary and was never needed for the rest of the raid.
Ny’alotha is a weird raid to reach, honestly. In my experiencee, You need to get the heart of Azeroth, complete the Send the Fleet questline until you unlock the Heart Forge, then complete the quest An Unwelcome Advisor which you can get from a letter near Genn, in Boralus up until you see the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in its new phase. Though, it is possible to see the 8.3 phased versions of these zones earlier, I have had a lot of inconsistency with it, so I would recommend going through these quest lines.
My thoughts are that the Vale is only phased when you reach it in the questline, but Uldum is phased as long as you are not in Cataclysm leveling, since this appears to be consistent with my experiences of being able to reach the raid last week, but not this week. The thing is that the raid entrance moves between Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms (it is currently in Vale), each week it switches zones and in both of the zones it is only able to be reached during the most current phase.
so i did just that and im phased and dont see it.
indeed but ima follow your advice so thanks!
Best of luck on the mount! I hope that it is helpful enough for you to follow it, as well. Wowhead is a good resource for the 8.3 introduction if you get stuck along the way.
Yeah, it looks like Kiyoko is a lot more knowledgeable about it than I am. I was current with all the BfA stuff when it was releasing, and I haven’t really checked it out on any new alts I’ve made since then. Sorry for the bad info!
o im not even after the mount im after the mythic belt, haha.
Nw and i appreciate you still caring enough to try, so thanks anyway!
Well, good luck on the belt then, haha!
This week it’s in Pandaria. You need to do the Cloak questline to get the phased map unless they’ve changed that recently.
I’ve just spent about 5 minutes finding the Timewalking discord guide to the cloak but looks like it’s been deleted or moved .
Yeah, you don’t need to do any quests, the legendary cloak quest no longer exists and isn’t required, you don’t even need the heart of Azeroth. The send the fleet quest is only required to get to Nazjatar to access the Eternal Palace raid but for Ny’alotha you just need to be in the zone it is in for the week and in the right phase.
Unless I have been goofed and the Nzoth assaults were an account-wide unlock or something, I just flew to every BFA raid on characters who did zero BFA content.
The legendary cloak quest for Ashjra’kamas does still exist, unlike the August Celestials’ cloaks. The main thing with Ny’alotha is that it is rather inconsistent about letting you into the right phase of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
This is not accurate as of 11/17/2024. Tried to go on multiple toons and had another friend try also and the raid does not show up unless you have completed pre reqs for it. Logged into a toon that had all of the needed questlines and it was there.
Are you sure you were on the right phase of Uldum?
I think this is an issue for the characters that I leveled up from wow remix, I shouldnt have to go through all the Hoops to see a raid from 3 expansions ago, blizzard needs to fix this
You don’t need the cloak to beat N’Zoth anymore, so now you need to do slightly less questing.
This has been my experience as well. I have 2 characters that did the questlines in BFA, and I’m only able to see the Old God invasion points on those characters. I tried on a character made in SL and got partway through, forgot where to go, ended up getting turned around and lost my way and unable to figure out where to go next, so I just stuck to the characters I unlocked it with. No amount of talking to Zidormi did anything, as I was only sent to different phases that did not include the invasion points.
I tried doing some of the prequests suggested and unlocked the heart , I thought that is all I needed. I dont even see Zidormi to talk to, these honestly shouldnt be phased anymore, just give me a way to directly get to Nyalotha