I’ve been trying to find an efficient route to take as Horde to do The Originals, and there are some issues with getting to Blasted Lands that I’m having and not sure why. With some of my characters I am able to speak with Thrallmar Mage in the Orgrimmar portal room and he has an option to send me to Blasted Lands. Perfect. Except, he doesn’t have the option available on every character. Some characters he doesn’t give you an option and instead makes some comment about Hellfire Peninsula.
I figured I would just go to Undercity, portal to Hellfire Peninsula, and go through the Dark Portal to Blasted Lands. Nope. That doesn’t work either. I can’t go through the portal. I’m not the only one with that issue, there were like 5 other people trying to do the same thing as me and none of us understood why we couldn’t go through.
Anyone know what the deal is? Why does Thrallmar Mage allow some characters to port to Blasted Lands and not others? And why am I unable to use the Dark Portal from Hellfire Peninsula back into Blasted Lands?
what the… blasted lands is requested not shattrath.
That doesn’t help me. That would require me to fly to Hellfire Peninsula and then go through the Dark Portal, which I mentioned isn’t working. That also doesn’t explain why Thrallmar Mage allows some characters to port to Blasted Lands and not others.
That’s frustrating. It wouldn’t be an issue if the Dark Portal was working, but it’s broken too apparently. I’m not able to port through the Dark Portal and others on WoWhead are experiencing the same thing.
Portal from Undercity to Hellfire Peninsula and then going through the big portal to Blasted Lands is just broken.
Sounds like a Chromie time bug. Have you tried setting your chromie time to WoD?
Assuming you haven’t done the quests to get the garrison it should start you off by sending you to Blasted Lands to go through the portal.
Fly down to STV or take that zeppelin there from Org. Then hop on your mount and fly there (over ZG).
There’s a portal to blasted lands in undercity in the mage quarter I believe
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Assuming you haven’t done the quests to get the garrison it should start you off by sending you to Blasted Lands to go through the portal.
I think that’s the issue. Some of my characters I have finished those quests and others I haven’t, and the ones where I didn’t do the quests I can port to Blasted Lands easily.
Don’t forget, Blasted Lands has 2 phases. Have you ever changed it on the toons experiencing the portal issue?
I just wonder if that might be what is blocking them.
There’s a portal to blasted lands in undercity in the mage quarter I believe
Naw that portal takes you to Hellfire Peninsula and for whatever reason people can’t go back through the Dark Portal into Blasted Lands. Quickest route I’ve found is going to STV from Ratchet and then flying. You can also take the portal to Twilight Highlands but the flight is significantly longer.
You can also take the Zep from Org to STV and fly over.
Don’t forget, Blasted Lands has 2 phases. Have you ever changed it on the toons experiencing the portal issue?
That very well could be what’s happening. I don’t have the option to change the phases on the toons where the portal isn’t working, and I’m wondering if it’s because on those toons I haven’t started the WoD questline or something.
March 23, 2021: I just set the Blasted Lands phase to the original older version and went the through the portal to Hellfire Peninsula and I was still not able to return back through the Dark Portal to the Blasted Lands. This sucks for the Horde because of its limited access to Eastern Kingdoms. I am going to do the Dead Mines pet dungeon which will allow your character to use the portal from Legion Dalaran pet shop to Dead Mines…not as good, but there you have it.
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